「国際環境政策」説明(for Japanese Students)
Contents of "Global Environmental Policy"
date | Title (materials used in the lecture are linked) | Lecturer (Assistant) |
Key Words | Homework subjects (Yellow ones are those of last year. Those of this year will be decided after each lecture, respectively.) |
8-Apr | Guidance | J.Takahashi | Outline of this lecture series, (Selective examination if necessary) | - |
Overview on international environmental and energy policy [ppt] | M.Akai | Climate change, Global worming, UNFCCC, IPCC | - | |
15-Apr | Environmental policy in Japan [ppt] | M.Akai (J.Takahashi) |
Kyoto target, Deep reduction of CO2, Mitigation Scenario | - |
22-Apr | Global challenge towards climate change & recent topics [ppt] | M.Akai (J.Takahashi) |
R&D Programs, Technology Assessment | Discuss about CO2 capture and sequestration. |
6-May | What’s equity, and What’s sustainability? [ppt] | J.Edahiro (J.Takahashi) |
Equity, Sustainability, Sustainable development | Visit JFS website (www.japanfs.org) and search "Information Center" articles, then, (1) Discuss what you found in activities and movement for sustainability in Japan, (2) Propose improvement points for JFS sits and activities. |
13-May | Environmental management system [ppt] | R.Ugo (J.Takahashi) |
Nontariff barriers, ISO, EMS, ISO14000s, PDCA | . |
20-May | The present and future of an environmental report [ppt] | R.Ugo (J.Takahashi) |
Environmental report, Sustainability report, GRI | Please make a benchmark-test for the NEC Environmental Annual Report. (Detail procedure of the benchmark-test is shown in ppt.) |
27-May | Management of an international research programme on the Arctic between Russia, Norway and Japan [ppt] | H.Yamaguchi | INSROP, International Northern Sea Route Programme, GIS, Dynamic Environmental Atlas, Environmental Impact Assessment, Experimental Voyage through the Arctic Ocean | Select one from the following tasks: (1) Investigate and discuss the feasibilities of the development of Russian polar regions including Okhotsk area from technological, economical, social and environmental aspects. (2) Survey the use of GIS for environmental issues and discuss the future prospect. |
3-Jun | Strategic energy initiative "50% energy self-sufficiency rate" [ppt] | T.Yuhara | Energy self-sufficiency rate, Possibility of non-fossil fuel energy, Hydrogen society | Select one of the following subjects; (1) Assuming that Japan attains 50% of self-sufficiency rates, discuss about the effect and influence on global environment, (2) Summarize the political and technical subject for attaining 25% of renewable energy, especially propose an environmental tax and its effect, (3) The role of Japan in an introduction and promotion of the renewable energy to developing countries. |
10-Jun | Advanced Technologies of Ocean Engineering [ppt] | H.Suzuki | Advanced Technique of Floating Structure, Mega-Float | Advanced technologies in Ocean Engineering were introduced concerning the environmental and energy issues. Propose a new concept and system to ease one of the global environmental problems using a Mega-Float, and describe details of the system to realize the concept. |
17-Jun | Sorry, the day of this lecture was changed. | - | - | - |
24-Jun | Environmental policy in non-industrial sector [ppt] | J.Takahashi | Statistics, CO2 Emission, Save Energy, Civil Sector, Transport Sector, Asian Moralization | Under the condition of both sustainable development and equity mentioned in this lecture, use statistics and formulate your own idea about how to reduce CO2 emission in civil and/or transport sector. |
1-Jul | Biological sequestration of CO2 [ppt] | T.Sato | Biomass, Ocean Nourishment, Photobioreactor | Estimate the cost of the forestation, which Japanese industries have been recently invested in foreign countries, such as Australia, with respect to the unit carbon dioxide (US$ or JPY/tCO2). Just pick up one example. |
8-Jul | LCA and strategic R&D of ultra-fuel efficient car [ppt] | J.Takahashi | Ultra-Lightweight Materials, LCA, LCC, 3R, Plastics waste, Recycle, China | - |