
  1. 髙橋淳, 課題解決と未来創造のための複合材料の挑戦, 鹿児島大学・先端科学特別講義, (2024-11).
  2. Y. Wan, J. Takahashi and K. Uzawa, Status of research and development of GX and circularity-related CFRP in Japan, SAMPE CHINA 2024 International Conference, (2024-6).
  3. 髙橋淳, 炭素繊維とその複合材のLCA, 繊維学会誌, Vol.80, No.6, (2024-6), pp.194-197.
  4. 髙橋淳, 炭素繊維とその複合材のLCAに関する国際動向, 第37回複合材料セミナー, (2024-2).
  5. 髙橋淳, 課題解決と未来創造のための複合材料の挑戦, 強化プラスチックス, Vol.70, No.1, (2024-1), pp.14-18.
  6. J. Takahashi, R&D of CFRP for a low-carbon society, circularity and beyond, 3rd Hokuriku Composites Conference, (2023-12).
  7. J. Takahashi, Development of CFRP for a low-carbon society, circularity and beyond, 18th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE18), No.PL-02, (2023-11).
  8. J. Takahashi, R&D of CFRP for a low-carbon society, circularity and beyond, 2023 International Conference on Advanced Materials Technology, (2023-11).
  9. I. Verpoest, V. Michaud and J. Takahashi, LCA of carbon fibres (exploring the reasons behind the hugely diverging published data ), SAMPE European conference 23, (2023-10).
  10. 髙橋淳, 炭素繊維とその複合材のLCA, 2023年度第52回繊維学会夏期セミナー, (2023-9).
  11. 髙橋淳・万熠・薛鵬・烏園園・朱政阳・王邱郡, SAMPE 学生ブリッジコンテスト米国大会東大チーム2連覇報告, SAMPE Japan 2022 年度第4回(通算202 回例会)技術情報交換会, (2023-6).
  12. 髙橋淳, 課題解決と未来創造のための複合材料の挑戦, 材料, Vol.72, No.5, (2023-5), pp.413-417.
  13. 髙橋淳, 低炭素社会&社会快適化に向けたCFRP技術, SAMPE Japan Online Techno Forum 2023 (サステイナブルなコンポジット実用化に関する将来動向), (2023-3).

  14. I. Verpoest, V. Michaud and J. Takahashi, LCA of carbon fibres, Aachen Reinforced Symposium, (2022-10).
  15. 髙橋淳, SMCの力学特性の統計的性質, 2022年度浜松地域CFRP事業化研究会講演会, (2022-8).
  16. 髙橋淳・万熠・高倩・佟驍航・徐若尘・趙子豪, SAMPE 学生ブリッジコンテスト世界大会優勝報告, SAMPE Japan 2022 年度第1回(通算198 回例会)技術情報交換会, (2022-7).
  17. 髙橋淳, GXのためのCFRP技術, NCC次世代複合材研究会プレゼン会, (2022-7).
  18. J. Takahashi, JCMA's LCA data for PAN based CFs, The 20th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM20), No.G5.10, (2022-6).
  19. 髙橋淳・森島拓生, 思考力は研究のエンジンだ!, 思考力トレーニングBOOK 活用編, (株)ベネッセコーポレーション, (2022-4), pp.20-21.
  20. 髙橋淳, CFRPの不都合な真実(LCA・リサイクル編), 第13回日本複合材料会議, (2022-3).
  21. 髙橋淳, CFRPのLCAとリサイクル(不都合な真実・好都合な真実), SAMPE Japan 先端材料技術展2021特別講演, (2021-12).
  22. 髙橋淳, CFRPの不都合な真実(環境負荷編), 第53回ICCメンバーズフォーラム, (2021-10).
  23. 林崇寛・髙橋淳, 低エネルギーX線を用いた複合材料のボイド率測定法, 検査技術, 日本工業出版, Vol.25, No.11, (2020-11), pp.63-66.
  24. 成瀨新二・肖冰・大沢勇・髙橋淳, アラミドペーパーとCFRTPとのコンポジット, プラスチックスエージ, No.3, (2020-3), pp.36-39.
  25. 髙橋淳, 未来の社会のための不連続CFRP, 第11回日本複合材料会議, (2020-3).
  26. 髙橋淳, 未来の交通社会と複合材料, 第30回 ICCメンバーズフォーラム, (2018-11).
  27. 髙橋淳, 未来の交通社会と複合材料, 先端材料技術展2018, (2018-10).
  28. 髙橋淳, 熱可塑性樹脂によるCFRPの新展開, 機能紙研究会誌, No.56, (2018-3), pp.3-10.
  29. 高橋淳, 量産車用CFRPのリサイクル, 軽量化革新フォーラム2018, (2018-1).
  30. 髙橋淳, 熱可塑性樹脂によるCFRPの新展開, 第56回機能紙研究発表・講演会, (2017-11).
  31. J. Takahashi, M. Fujita and Y. Wan, Toward a new generations of composites for our common future - some activities on CFRTP for automotive applications -, 15th European-Japanese Meeting on Composite Materials, No.T1.2, (2017-9).
  32. 髙橋淳, 量産車用熱可塑性CFRPへの期待と課題, 第30回複合材料セミナー, (2017-2).
  33. 髙橋淳, 熱可塑性CFRPへの期待と課題, SAMPE Japan シンポジウム「先端材料が拓く自動車の未来」, (2016-9).
  34. 髙橋淳, 熱可塑性CFRPが自動車に使われる日は来るのか?国プロの現状と課題, 先端繊維技術講演会, (2016-3).
  35. J. Takahashi, Japanese challenge in carbon fiber composites for mass production automotive application, 1st International Symposium on Emerging Functional Materials, (2015-11).
  36. 大澤勇・髙橋淳, マイクロ・ドロップレット試験法と繊維/樹脂の界面せん断強度, 検査技術, 日本工業出版, Vol.20, No.9, (2015-9), pp.1-6.
  37. 長塚渉・髙橋淳, 炭素繊維強化プラスチックのリサイクル動向~CFRPの自動車展開のために~, 日本産業機械工業会3Rリサイクル研究会, (2015-2).
  38. 髙橋淳, 炭素繊維リサイクル, カード機セミナー, (2015-1).
  39. J. Takahashi and T. Ishikawa, Recent Japanese Activity in CFRTP For Mass Production Automobile, ITHEC 2014, (2014-10).
  40. 髙橋淳, 量産車用熱可塑性CFRP, ファインセラミックスシンポジウム, (2014-10).
  41. 髙橋淳, 複合材料の未来に向けて, SAMPE Japan 平成26年度第1回技術情報交換会, (2014-7).
  42. 髙橋淳, 量産自動車用熱可塑性CFRPプロジェクト(東京大学集中研), 日本塑性加工学会, 第6回CFRP成形研究委員会, (2014-5).
  43. J. Takahashi and T. Ishikawa, Next challenge in CFRTP for mass production automotive application, Proceedings of SAMPE SEICO 14, (2014-3), pp.181-188.
  44. 髙橋淳, 量産車用熱可塑性CFRPの開発動向, 自動車技術会 疲労信頼性部門委員会企画シンポジウム, (2013-11).
  45. J. Takahashi and T. Ishikawa, Current Japanese Activity in CFRTP for Mass Production Automotive Application, 13th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE-13), (2013-11).
  46. J. Takahashi and T. Ishikawa, Current Japanese Activity in CFRTP for Automotive Application, The 13th Euro-Japanese Symposium on Composite Materials, (2013-11).
  47. 髙橋淳, CFRPの新規産業展開と技術開発動向(熱可塑性CFRPを中心として), 最先端材料技術調査研究委員会, (2013-10).
  48. J. Takahashi and T. Ishikawa, Current Japanese Activity in CFRTP for Industrial Application, International Workshop “A New Perspective in Advancement of Composite Materials”, (2013-10).
  49. 髙橋淳, 工学研究の楽しさ - 環境・エネルギー問題解決のための 炭素繊維研究-, 香川県立高松高校講演会, (2013-9).
  50. J. Takahashi and T. Ishikawa, Current Japanese Activity in CFRTP for Industrial Application, COMPOSITES WEEK, (2013-9).
  51. 髙橋淳, 熱可塑性CFRPの産業応用への新展開, 炭素繊維活用フォーラム, (2013-7).
  52. 髙橋淳, 熱可塑性CFRPの可能性と名大NCCへの期待, 名古屋大学NCCオープニングセレモニー, (2013-6).
  53. 髙橋淳, 量産車用CFRTPの研究開発, 第24回プラスチック成形加工学会年次大会, (2013-5).
  54. J. Takahashi, Development of innovative CFRTP technologies for mass-produced cars, JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE, No.81, (2013-5), pp.44-45.
  55. 髙橋淳, 量産車のCFRPの技術開発とリサイクル, CFRPのリサイクル技術の最前線, (2013-4).
  56. 髙橋淳, サステナブルハイパーコンポジット技術の開発, NEDO成果報告会, (2013-2).
  57. 髙橋淳, 自動車軽量化に向けたCFRPの活用と技術的課題, 繊維強化樹脂講演会, (2013-1).
  58. 髙橋淳・鵜沢潔・松尾剛・山根正睦, 新しい炭素繊維強化プラスチックス―熱可塑性CFRPの可能性, 未来材料, NTS inc., Vol.13, No.1, (2013-1), pp.36-41.
  59. 髙橋淳, 次世代CFRPの技術的課題と応用の将来展望, OPTRONICS, Vol.1, (2013-1), pp.84-89.
  60. 髙橋淳, 量産車用熱可塑性CFRPの開発動向, 高機能素材活用産業創出フォーラム, (2012-11).
  61. J. Takahashi, K. Uzawa, T. Matsuo and M. Yamane, Technological Challenges For Realizing Ultra Lightweight Mass Production Automobile by using CFRTP, Proceedings of ITHEC 2012, (2012-10), pp.18-19.
  62. J. Takahashi, Technological Challenges For Realizing Lightweight Mass Production Automobile by using CFRTP, The 2th International Conference on Advanced Polymer Matrix Composites (COMPO2012), (2012-7).
  63. J. Takahashi and K. Uzawa, R&D of CFRTP for Realizing Lightweight Mass Production Automobile - So Far and Toward the Next Stage -, JISTES 2012, (2012-7).
  64. J. Takahashi, Technological Challenges For Realizing Lightweight Mass Production Automobile by using CFRTP, Academic summit workshop in IVW, (2012-7).
  65. 髙橋淳・平野啓之・鵜沢潔, 持続可能社会に向けた次世代熱可塑性CFRP入門, サイエンス&テクノロジーセミナー, (2012-5).
  66. 髙橋淳, 炭素繊維の今後の活用可能性, MEX金沢2012, (2012-5).
  67. K. Uzawa and J. Takahashi, Present and the Future of CFRTP Molding Technology, Proceeding of International Symposium on Laser Processing of CFRP and Composites, (2012-4), pp.1-10.
  68. 髙橋淳, 量産車用熱可塑性CFRPの開発動向, CFRTP from はままつ, (2012-3).
  69. 髙橋淳, 自動車用CFRTPについて, ナノ構造ポリマー研究会10周年記念講演会, (2012-3).
  70. 髙橋淳, 熱可塑性CFRPによる量産車の軽量化戦略と技術課題, 第3回国際自動車素材・加工展, (2012-3).
  71. 髙橋淳, 省エネ・温暖化対策に貢献する炭素繊維, 炭素材料の研究開発動向, CPC研究会, (2012-3), pp.141-145.
  72. 髙橋淳, 自動車産業・航空宇宙産業における複合材の活用と今後の展望, 国際競争力強化シンポジウム, (2012-2).
  73. 髙橋淳, CFRTPによる量産車軽量化の可能性, Car Testing & Designing Japan 2012, (2012-2).
  74. 髙橋淳, 炭素繊維市場・海外状況を背景とした量産車軽量化のための 熱可塑性CFRPの開発動向, 有望技術の展望と研究企画への道しるべ, サイエンス&テクノロジー社, (2012-1).
  75. J. Takahashi, K. Uzawa and T. Matuso, Strategies and Technological Challenges for Realizing Lightweight Mass Production Automobile by using CFRTP, Proceedings of JISSE12, No.PL-3, (2011-11).
  76. 髙橋淳, 量産車軽量化のためのCFRTP開発~検討項目とその考え方~, S&T技術セミナー、 熱可塑性CFRPの成形・開発技術と展望, (2011-10).
  77. J. Takahashi, Strategies and technological challenges for realizing lightweight mass production automobile by using thermoplastic CFRP, Innovative Composites Summit on JEC Asia, (2011-10).
  78. 髙橋淳, 自動車への適用を目指した熱可塑性複合材料について, ぎふ技術革新センター運営協議会 第1回技術セミナー, (2011-9).
  79. 髙橋淳, 次世代複合材料 ー省エネ・温暖化対策に貢献する炭素繊維ー, 平成23年度第42回繊維学会夏季セミナー, (2011-8), pp.196-201.
  80. J. Takahashi, Strategies and technological challenges for realizing lightweight mass production automobile by using thermoplastic CFRP, Proceedings of The 12th Japanese-European Symposium on Composite Materials, Vol.1-1, (2011-8), pp.1-4.
  81. 髙橋淳, 熱可塑性CFRPによる量産車の軽量化戦略と技術課題, 2011年度第3回CPC研究会, (2011-7).
  82. 髙橋淳, 炭素繊維複合材料の今後の展望, 第3回 複合材(CFRP)加工技術研修, (2011-3).
  83. 髙橋淳, 省エネ・温暖化対策に貢献する炭素繊維, 環境・エネルギー, 政策総合研究所, (2011-2), pp.8-10.
  84. 髙橋淳, 炭素繊維による運輸部門の省エネルギー戦略と技術課題, 環境・新エネルギー新製品・新技術開発支援事業講演会, (2010-12).
  85. 髙橋淳, 炭素繊維複合材料の今後の展望, いしかわ次世代産業創造ファンド助成事業記念講演会, (2010-11).
  86. J. Takahashi, Energy Saving Strategy based on LCA and Development of CFRTP for Mass Produced Automobile, MTM Department Seminar, (2010-10).
  87. 髙橋淳, 熱可塑性CFRPによる量産車の軽量化戦略と技術課題, 自動車における炭素繊維応用研究会, (2010-9).
  88. 髙橋淳, 炭素繊維による運輸部門の省エネルギー戦略と技術課題, ベッセマー+200の鉄と社会 シンポジウム, (2010-9).
  89. J. Takahashi, Energy Saving Strategy in Transportation by using CFRP, JISTES 2010, (2010-7).
  90. 髙橋淳, 乗用車の軽量化の技術動向, 二次電池による社会システムイノベーション 第6回 フォーラム, (2010-7).
  91. 髙橋淳, 夢は新素材でつくり上げたクルマで世界を満たすこと, 東京大学工学部がわかる本 TECHNO Dream 02, (2010-5), pp.82-83.
  92. J. Takahashi, Energy Saving Strategy in Transportation by using CFRP, Automotive forum in JEC Paris, (2010-4).
  93. 髙橋淳, 次世代自動車の普及に向けたCFRPの開発動向, 第2回国際自動車素材・加工展, (2010-3).
  94. 髙橋淳, 炭素繊維による運輸部門の省エネルギー戦略と技術課題, 第23回複合材料セミナー, 炭素繊維協会, (2010-2).
  95. 髙橋淳, 電気自動車に向けた超軽量CFRPの開発動向, 持続可能社会シミュレータ調査委員会, (2009-12).
  96. 髙橋淳, 輸送機器用炭素繊維強化プラスチックスの将来展望, 日本機械学会 交通物流部門 No.09-138講演会 「環境問題への材料からのアプローチ」, (2009-12).
  97. J. Takahashi, Energy Saving Strategy in Transportation by CFRP, HIT/UT JOINT FORUM ON ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, (2009-11).
  98. J. Takahashi, Energy Saving Strategy in Transportation by CFRP, the automotive and mass transportation forum in JEC ASIA, (2009-10).
  99. 髙橋淳, カーボン繊維利用複合材の開発, 北陸3県繊維産業クラスター交流会, (2009-8).
  100. 髙橋淳, 輸送機器用炭素繊維強化プラスチックスの将来展望, 三菱ケミカルホールディングズ 技術フォーラム, (2009-7).
  101. 髙橋淳, 熱可塑性樹脂複合材料の機械工業分野への適用, 航空機部材研究会, (2009-6).
  102. 髙橋淳, マクロな省エネ目標から導かれる自動車軽量化用FRP技術開発の動向, 第1回国際自動車素材・加工展, (2009-3).
  103. 髙橋淳, 炭素繊維による地球環境への貢献, 第22回複合材料セミナー, 炭素繊維協会, (2009-2).
  104. 髙橋淳, 環境・エネルギー問題とCFRP開発の方向性, 日本機械学会北陸信越支部特別講演会「繊維強化プラスチックの最前線と将来動向」, (2009-1).
  105. 髙橋淳, 自動車の軽量化と樹脂材料の展望(CFRP活用の観点から), Polifile, 大成社, Vol.46, No.539, (2009-1), pp.26-31.
  106. 松本亨・髙橋淳・宮本重幸, 日本LCA学会・LCA日本フォーラム共催第6回LCA講演会報告「持続可能性とLCA」, 日本LCA学会誌, Vol.4, No.4, (2008-12), pp.396-400.
  107. 髙橋淳, CFRP製品のLCAから導かれる今後の技術課題と研究事例, 第3回炭素繊維応用技術研究会, (2008-11).
  108. 髙橋淳, FRP構成素材入門-ライフサイクルアセスメント-, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.34, No.6, (2008-11), pp.251-255.
  109. 鵜沢潔・髙橋淳, FRP構成素材入門-FRPのリサイクル-, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.34, No.6, (2008-11), pp.245-250.
  110. 髙橋淳, 炭素繊維強化複合材料の現状と将来, 環境管理, (社)産業環境管理協会, Vol.44, No.11, (2008-11), pp.34-41.
  111. 髙橋淳, 自動車軽量化に向けたCFRP開発の方向性, 技術情報協会セミナー, (2008-10).
  112. 髙橋淳, マクロ分析とLCAから導かれるCFRPの用途展開と研究事例, 鉄道総研セミナー, (2008-10).
  113. 鵜沢潔・髙橋淳, 複合材料による自動車軽量化技術概論, 高分子学会第18回東海ミニシンポジウム(自動車材料の軽量化), (2008-9).
  114. 髙橋淳, CFRPのLCAと省エネルギー効果, 材料, Vol.57, No.8, pp.852-855.
  115. 大西盛行・三嶋孝司・髙橋淳・田中良治, 地球に優しい炭素繊維, 日本経済新聞, (2008-7-7), 朝刊30面.
  116. 髙橋淳, EVによる車社会システム, 二次電池による社会システム・イノベーション、キックオフミーティング, (2008-6).
  117. 髙橋淳, 脱石油技術としての自動車軽量化の方向性, 成形加工, Vol.20, No.6, pp.318-323.
  118. 髙橋淳, 高性能リサイクラブルCFRTPの研究開発, 平成18年度研究報告書, (財)新生資源協会, (2008-6), pp.7-10.
  119. 髙橋淳, 脱石油戦略とCO2削減型FRP開発, 環境・エネルギー材料研究展, (2008-5), No.57.
  120. 髙橋淳, 研究室紹介, 強化プラスチックス, Vol.54, No.5, (2008-5), pp.235-237.
  121. 髙橋淳, マクロな省エネビジョンから導かれる自動車軽量化技術開発の方向性, 強化プラスチックス, Vol.54, No.5, (2008-5), pp.221-226.
  122. 髙橋淳, 持続可能な交通社会に向けたCFRP開発の方向性, 平成20年度 ほくりく先端複合材研究会 第1回先端複合材セミナー, (2008-5).
  123. 髙橋淳, 研究における出会いと楽しむことの大切さ, リムコフニュース, Vol.95, (2008-4), pp.2-3.
  124. 髙橋淳, マクロ分析から導かれる自動車軽量化の重要性と高分子系複合材料の役割, 未来材料, Vol.7, No.12, (2007-12), pp.38-43.
  125. 髙橋淳, 運輸部門のCO2削減における軽量素材の役割, 第1回AGLOCALPセミナー, (2007-11), pp.28-35.
  126. 髙橋淳, マクロな省エネビジョンから導かれる自動車軽量化技術開発の方向性, 52nd FRP CON-EX 2007 講演要旨集, (2007-11). →【野間口さんによるレビュー記事
  127. 髙橋淳・鵜沢潔・大澤勇・北野彰彦・山口晃司・臼井勝宏, マテリアルリサイクルとLCA, 自動車技術, Vol.61, No.10, (2007-10), pp.47-51.
  128. 髙橋淳・鵜沢潔, 最近の複合材料技術と自動車軽量化への展開, 日本テクノセンターセミナー, (2007-10).
  129. 髙橋淳, 脱石油技術としての自動車軽量化の方向性, プラスチック成形加工学会第100回講演会, (2007-9).
  130. 髙橋淳, 環境技術は何に役立つのか(後編), 無上道, Vol.59, No.705, (2007-9), pp.38-45.
  131. 髙橋淳, LCA評価について, 強化プラスチック協会技術調査委員会, (2007-8).
  132. 髙橋淳, 環境技術は何に役立つのか(前編), 無上道, Vol.59, No.704, (2007-8), pp.28-33.
  133. 髙橋淳, マクロ分析に基づく自動車軽量化の必要性と自動車向けCFRPの開発動向, 技術情報協会セミナー, (2007-7).
  134. 髙橋淳・鵜沢潔・大澤勇・北野彰彦・山口晃司・臼井勝宏, 自動車の安全設計と信頼性向上に貢献する複合材料技術VIII(自動車用CFRPリサイクル技術の開発), 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.33, No.3, (2007-5), pp.82-86.
  135. 髙橋淳・河西純一・宮本重幸, 日本LCA学会第4回講演会報告「製品の環境情報を消費者に伝達する手法としてのLCA」, 日本LCA学会誌, Vol.3, No.1, (2007-2), pp.69-74.
  136. 髙橋淳, 自動車軽量化と地球環境問題, 第3回 複合材フォーラム, (2006-11).
  137. 髙橋淳, 運輸省エネ技術とその効果(自動車複合材構造とリサイクルについて), SAMPE-JAPAN 平成18年度第2回技術情報交換会, (2006-11).
  138. 髙橋淳, 先進材料の環境問題への取り組み(ライフサイクルアセスメント), 日本機会学会誌, Vol.109, No.1053, (2006-8), pp.18-19.
  139. 髙橋淳, 運輸省エネ技術とその効果, 第2回日中環境エネルギー物流フォーラム, (2006-7).
  140. 髙橋淳, マクロな省エネ目標から導かれる自動車軽量化技術開発の方向性, 工業材料, 日刊工業新聞社, Vol.54, No.7, (2006-7), pp.18-22.
  141. 髙橋淳・鵜沢潔・村山英晶・影山和郎, 第9回SAMPE先端材料技術国際会議(JISSE-9)報告, 成形加工, Vol.18, No.6, (2006-6), pp.417-418.
  142. 影山和郎・髙橋淳, 第9回SAMPE先端材料技術国際会議(JISSE-9)報告, 強化プラスチックス, Vol.52, No.5, (2006-5), pp.217-218.
  143. 髙橋淳, 天然繊維を用いたFRP(LCA・社会受容性), 強化プラスチックス, Vol.52, No.5, (2006-5), pp.208-212.
  144. 髙橋淳, 未来の可能性を考えて行動する責任と勇気(後編), 無上道, Vol.58, No.689, (2006-5), pp.48-53.
  145. 髙橋淳, 未来の可能性を考えて行動する責任と勇気(前編), 無上道, Vol.58, No.688, (2006-4), pp.46-51.
  146. J. Takahashi, A global perspective for the future development of sustainable land transport, Carbon Fibre Composites For Transportation (A Road To Sustainable Land Transportation Systems), (2006-4).
  147. 髙橋淳, リサイクル視点から見た自動車用材料のさまざまな可能性と課題, JAMAGAZINE, 日本自動車工業会, Vol.40, (2006-3), pp.14-19.
  148. 髙橋淳, 自動車分野へのCFRP部品の展開, 新連携関連11月度講演会, (2005-11).
  149. 髙橋淳, 軽量化に寄与する高分子系複合材料の現状と将来, 自動車技術, Vol.59, No.11, (2005-11), pp.17-23.
  150. 髙橋淳, FRPのLCA, 強化プラスチックス, Vol.51, No.8, (2005-8), pp.61-64.
  151. 河西純一・髙橋淳・宮本重幸, 日本LCA学会第1回講演会報告「運輸部門関連のマクロ分析とLCA」, 日本LCA学会誌学会誌, Vol.1, No.2, (2005-7), pp.158-162.
  152. 髙橋淳, 複合材料のLCAと3R, 環境安全, Vol.105, (2005-6), pp.9-11.
  153. 髙橋淳, 持続可能社会のための車の軽量化, 第18回複合材料セミナーテキスト, 炭素繊維協会, (2005-3), pp.37-46.
  154. 髙橋淳, 再生可能資源を用いた複合材料のLCAと社会受容性評価, 複合材料界面科学研究会 第34回講演会, (2004-10).
  155. 髙橋淳, 一般講演サミングアップ(自動車), 強化プラスチックス, Vol.50, No.3, (2004-3), pp.140-141.
  156. 髙橋淳, 特別セミナー(環境問題と材料への要求:NEDO殿村重彰氏)を聞いて, 強化プラスチックス, Vol.50, No.3, (2004-3), p.111.
  157. 髙橋淳, カーボンファイバーの自動車用途への展開, JCII自動車技術交流会(自動車周辺材料の動向), (2004-2-19).
  158. 髙橋淳, CFRPによる超軽量化自動車の開発と効果, 第12回ポリマー材料フォーラム, (2003-11-28), pp.115-116.
  159. 髙橋淳, LCAから見たFRPの再評価, シンポジウム「バリアフリープロセシングと軽負荷構造材料の将来」, (2003-11-12), pp.65-75.
  160. 髙橋淳, 自動車軽量化とFRP, 北陸複合材料研究会第17回セミナー, (2003-11-8), pp.4-1~4-10.
  161. 髙橋淳・大平英二・河西純一・林直義・福井英輔・松井醇一・笠野英秋, 自動車軽量化とFRP, 強化プラスチックス, 強化プラスチック協会, Vol.49, No.1, (2003-1), pp.3-14.
  162. 髙橋淳, 循環論/地球温暖化対策, 環境プランナー講座, (2002-10).
  163. 髙橋淳, 循環論/地球温暖化対策技術, 環境プランナー講座, (2002-5).
  164. 髙橋淳, 超軽量CFRP車の拡大, 第15回複合材料セミナーテキスト, 炭素繊維協会, (2002-3), pp.47-56.
  165. 髙橋淳, 廃棄光ファイバのリユースに関する基礎的検討, 平成13年度「光ファイバケーブルのリサイクル」調査研究会第2回例会, (社)電線総合技術センター, (2001-7).
  166. 髙橋淳, 材料・環境・未来~21世紀、これからの材料開発を考える~, 平成12年度第1回最新技術動向研究会, 福岡県工業技術センター, (2001-2).
  167. 髙橋淳, 地球温暖化対策と化学製品のLCI(基礎素材のLCIデータはなぜ必要なのか), LCAセミナー(ユーザーにとってのLCAはどうあるべきか-LCIデータ構築からLCA実施による活用・応用段階へ-)テキスト, 産業情報研究センター, (2001-1), pp.1-6.
  168. 髙橋淳, 第5世代材料に期待される役割と発展の方向, 工業材料, 日刊工業新聞社, Vol.48, No.1, (2000-1), pp.42-46.
  169. 髙橋淳, シドニー大学滞在記, 材料, Vol.49, No.1, (2000-1), pp.132-133.
  170. 髙橋淳, コンクリート構造物の補強と非破壊センシング, 九州地方非破壊検査研究会, (1999-10).
  171. K. Kemmochi, T. Ogasa, J. Takahashi and H. Tsuda, Environmentally Conscious Smart Composites, Seminar with Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute, (1998-12).
  172. 剱持潔・髙橋淳・高柳寛司・長澤長八郎・津田浩・永井英幹・竹内和彦・浜田大志, 深部地熱用高分子材料の解析・評価, 地熱技術, Vol.23, No.3&4, (1998-11), pp.70-84.
  173. K. Kemmochi, T. Ogasa, J. Takahashi and H. Tsuda, Environmentally Conscious Smart Composites, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Materials (ICIM'98), (1998-10), pp.48-49.
  174. K. Kemmochi, T. Ogasa, J. Takahashi and H. Tsuda, Environmentally Conscious Smart Composites, Proceedings of the 2nd China-Japan Joint Conference on Composite Materials, (1998-10), pp.27-32.
  175. 髙橋淳, オーストラリア出張報告, JITA ニュース, 日本産業技術振興協会, No.344, (1998-6), pp.10-13.
  176. 髙橋淳, 複合材料の環境負荷評価データベースシステム, 工業技術, 通産省工業技術院, Vol.39, No.6, (1998-6), p.31.
  177. 髙橋淳, 耐熱新素材の寿命評価方法, 第3回地熱研究会, (1998-4).
  178. 髙橋淳, 複合材料に関する政策課題の中での知的材料・構造システムへの期待, 日本機械学会材料力学部門「知的材料・構造研究会」第14回研究会, (1998-3).
  179. 髙橋淳, 深部地熱発電用新素材の寿命評価方法, NSSエネルギー研究総合推進会議地熱分科会, (1998-3).
  180. 髙橋淳, スマートコンポジットの研究動向, 物質工学工業技術研究所報告, Vol.5, No.6, (1997-12), pp.243-250.
  181. 髙橋淳, 物質研における知的複合材料への取り組み, 日本機械学会材料力学部門「知的材料・構造研究会」第13回研究会, (1997-10).
  182. H. Nagai, K. Kemmochi, J. Takahashi and H. Tsuda, Are Advanced Composites able to be Environmentally Conscious Materials?, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on EcoMaterials, (1997-9), pp.247-250.
  183. 髙橋淳・野村正人・津田浩・剱持潔・福田博, 光ファイバによる構造ヘルスモニタリング(運転中非破壊検査の可能性), 第6回新素材及びその製品の非破壊評価シンポジウム論文集, (1997-7), pp.68-73.
  184. 髙橋淳, 光ファイバセンサによる構造物の温度・歪・損傷測定法, 筑波研究支援センターセミナー, (1997-7).
  185. 剱持潔・髙橋淳・福田博, 地球環境保全と高分子基複合材料, 強化プラスチックス, Vol.43, No.5, (1997-5), pp.19-23.
  186. 髙橋淳, 光ファイバによる構造体の損傷モニタリング, オプトロニクスR&Dフォーラム第36回定例フォーラム, (1997-2).
  187. 髙橋淳, スマート複合材料, 工業材料, 日刊工業新聞社, Vol.45, No.1, (1997-1), pp.50-51.
  188. 髙橋淳, 光ファイバセンサで構造物の破壊過程を検知, 計装, 工業技術社, Vol.40, No.1, (1997-1), p.5.
  189. 髙橋淳, 光ファイバによる構造体の損傷モニタリング, OPTRONICS, 株式会社オプトロニクス社, Vol.15, No.12, (1996-12), pp.157-161.
  190. 髙橋淳, スマートコンポジットの最近の研究動向, 新素材の非破壊評価特別研究委員会資料, No.31, (1996-7), pp.18-23.
  191. 髙橋淳, スマートコンポジットの最近の研究動向, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.22, No.4, (1996-7), pp.123-128.
  192. 剱持潔・髙橋淳, 高分子基複合材料(FRP)のリサイクル特性発現モデル, 日本機械学会誌, Vol.99, No.929, (1996-4), pp.281-285.
  193. 劔持潔・髙橋淳・林龍一, フェニックス複合材料の概念, 物質・材料研究総合推進会議平成7年度第1回シンポジウム講演要旨集, (1995-7), pp.28-29.
  194. J. Takahashi, Research to Develop Eco-Smart Composite Structures, Current Research and Development of Smart Materials/Structures in Japan (Appendix 6), Ed. by Japan External Trade Organization, (1995-1), p.25.
  195. J. Takahashi, Present State of R&D of Smart Materials and Structures in Japan, Current Research and Development of Smart Materials/Structures in Japan (Chapter 2), Ed. by Japan External Trade Organization, (1995-1), pp.7-9.
  196. T. Ogasa, K. Kemmochi and J. Takahashi, Polymer-based Composite Materials in General Industrial Fields, Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.4, No.3, (1994-7), pp.221-235.
  197. 髙橋淳, 知的複合材料/構造体とリサイクル技術, 第2回メゾメカニクス分科会, (1994-4).
  198. 髙橋淳, 先進複合材料の強度試験過程の直接観察装置, 工業技術, にっかん書房, Vol.35, No.2, (1994-2), p.41.
  199. 髙橋淳, 知的複合材料としてのマテリアルリサイクルの可能性(知的複合材料としてのリサイクル技術の現状と将来), 日本機械学会材料力学部門「知的材料・構造研究会」第2回研究会, (1994-1).
  200. 髙橋淳・劔持潔・林龍一, C/Cコンポジットの強度特性評価と“その場”観察, 画像技術応用材料試験, 日本材料試験技術協会, Vol.2, No.5, (1993-5), pp.11-15.

  1. 多数共著, 構造材料とマルチマテリアル(下:プロジェクト成果総覧), オーム社, (2023-6).
  2. 多数共著, 新版 複合材料・技術総覧, ㈱産業技術サービスセンター, (2011-6).
  3. 多数共著, 環境調和型複合材料-開発から応用まで-, シーエムシー出版, (2011-5).
  4. 多数共著, 自動車軽量化のためのプラスチックおよび繊維強化複合材料, シーエムシー出版, (2010-9).
  5. 多数共著, 車体材料の開発・加工技術と信頼性評価, (株)技術情報協会, (2007-4).
  6. Ed. by K. Kageyama and J. Takahashi, Proceedings of 9th Japan International SAMPE Symposium, (2005-11).
  7. 多数共著, 環境調和型複合材料の開発と応用, (株)シーエムシー出版, (2005-11).
  8. 多数共著, FRP50年の歩み, (社)強化プラスチック協会, (2005-9).
  9. 多数共著, だれでも使えるFRP-FRP入門-, (社)強化プラスチック協会, (2002-9).
  10. 多数共著, インテリジェント技術-材料・構造-, (社)日本機械学会/編,日刊工業新聞社, (2001-3).
  11. 多数共著, 光センシング技術の最新資料集, 株式会社オプトロニクス社, (1998-11).
  12. 多数共著, 海洋開発と新素材(第4章), (社)国際海洋科学技術協会/編, (1995-7).

  1. 炭素繊維・複合材料のリサイクル技術等に関する調査, 平成21年度経済産業省委託調査, (2010-3).
  2. 平成20年度:熱可塑性樹脂複合材料の航空機分野への適用に関する調査報告書, 日機連20高度化-11, (社)日本機械工業連合会, (財)次世代金属・複合材料研究開発協会, (2009-3).
  3. 平成19年度経済産業省委託 石油精製業保安対策に関する報告書(FRP製水素用貯槽の設計基準に関する調査研究), 高圧ガス保安協会, (2008-3).
  4. 平成19年度:熱可塑性樹脂複合材料の機械工業分野への適用に関する調査報告書, 日機連19先端-12, (社)日本機械工業連合会, (財)次世代金属・複合材料研究開発協会, (2008-3).
  5. 平成18年度経済産業省委託 石油精製業保安対策に関する報告書(FRP製水素用貯槽の設計基準に関する調査研究), , 高圧ガス保安協会, (2007-3).
  6. 平成17年度経済産業省委託 石油精製業保安対策に関する報告書(FRP製水素貯蔵の設計基準に関する調査研究), , 高圧ガス保安協会, (2006-3).
  7. プラスチック製品のLCA的評価(プラスチックのサステイナブルディベロップメントへの貢献に関するLCI的評価), 社団法人 プラスチック処理促進協会, (2004-3).
  8. 自動車軽量化炭素繊維強化複合材料の研究開発, 平成15年度 NEDO委託 地球温暖化防止新技術プログラム, (2004-3).
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  1. T. Morishima, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Modeling the Impact of Void Distribution on Mechanical Properties of Short Fiber Recycled CFRTP: Integration of Experimental Analysis and Finite Element Method, 24th International conference on composite materials, (2025-8), (to be submitted).
  2. C. Jin, Z. Zhao, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Deep Learning-Driven Segmentation of Resin-Rich Areas in 3D CT Imaging of CFRTP-SMC, 24th International conference on composite materials, (2025-8), (to be submitted).
  3. Sang Won Lim, F. Zhang, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Impact characteristics of sheet molding compound with different tape morphology and effect of continuous CFRTP over-molding, 24th International conference on composite materials, (2025-8), (to be submitted).
  4. F. Zhang, Sang Won Lim, Z. Tang, C. Jin, H. Maruko, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Effect of needle punching on the dynamic properties of recycled non-woven carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics, 24th International conference on composite materials, (2025-8), (to be submitted).
  5. J. Takahashi, Recycling technology development strategy based on LCA and its sensitivity analysis, Future Composites, SAMPE @ JEC, (2025-3), (to be submitted).
  6. P. Zhang, C. Jin, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Establishing a High-Quality Dataset for Deep Learning Based Super-Resolution X-ray CT Imaging of CFRTP-SMC, 16th Japan conference on composite materials, (2025-2), (in press).
  7. C. Jin, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Quantitative Fiber Orientation Characterization in CFRTP-SMC: A Comparative Study Using Optical, Meso-CT, and Micro-CT Imaging Techniques, 16th Japan conference on composite materials, (2025-2), (in press).
  8. M. Yuan, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Effects of tape and specimen dimensions on stochastic tensile properties of CFRTP-SMC, 16th Japan conference on composite materials, (2025-2), (in press).
  9. Z. Wang, F. Zhang, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Stochastic Voronoi-Based Modeling for Mechanical Property Prediction of CFRTP-SMC, 16th Japan conference on composite materials, (2025-2), (in press).
  10. P. Lu, R. Xu, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Monte-Carlo Simulation and Experimental Validation of Tensile Properties in CFRTP-SMC with Parallelogram Tape Sheets Prepared by Water Dispersion Method, 16th Japan conference on composite materials, (2025-2), (in press).
  11. Z. Guo, Z. Zhao, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Effects of in-mold flow on fiber distribution and tensile properties of CFRTP-SMC, 16th Japan conference on composite materials, (2025-2), (in press).
  12. K. Ye, X. Tong, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Effect of Tape Geometry on the Flexural Fatigue Resistance of CFRTP-SMC, 16th Japan conference on composite materials, (2025-2), (in press).
  13. F. Zhang, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Cyclic Hydrothermal Aging Properties of Sandwich CFRTP with Recycled Carbon Fiber, 16th Japan conference on composite materials, (2025-2), (in press).
  14. Q. Wang, Q. Gao, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Tensile Properties Prediction of Recycled Non-Woven CFRTP Composites Based on the Tensile Properties of Single Recycled Carbon Fiber, 16th Japan conference on composite materials, (2025-2), (in press).
  15. Sang Won Lim, F. Zhang, C. Jin, H. Maruko, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Experimental Study on Needle Punching Effect on Internal Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Recycled Non-Woven Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics, 16th Japan conference on composite materials, (2025-2), (in press).
  16. X. Duotao, Yi Wan and J. Takahashi, Effect of anisotropy and Vf on the weight reduction ratio of recycled NW-CFRTP hollow beams, 16th Japan conference on composite materials, (2025-2), (in press).
  17. Z. Tang, Sang Won Lim, F. Zhang, C. Jin, H. Maruko, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Effect of needle punching on the fatigue properties of recycled non-woven carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics, 16th Japan conference on composite materials, (2025-2), (in press).
  18. Y. Zhang, B. Xiao, H. Wei, Y. Wang, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Enhancing carbon fiber thermoplastic sandwich structures with springback effect, Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials, Vol.27, No.2, (2025-2), pp.447-504.
  19. R. Xu, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Prediction of Tensile Strength Distribution of CFRTP-SMC Statistical Modeling at Various Lengths, Composites Communications, Vol.53, No.102216, (2025-1).
  20. I. Verpoest, V. Michaud and J. Takahashi, LCA of Carbon Fibres (exploring the reasons behind the hugely diverging published data ), The Aachen Reinforced! Symposium, (2024-12).
  21. X. Li, P. Qu, H. Kong, Y. Lei, A. Guo, S. Wang, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Enhanced mechanical properties of sandwich panels via integrated 3D printing of continuous fiber face sheet and TPMS core, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol.204, No.112312, (2024-11).
  22. W. Huang, Y. Zhang, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Inversing spatial modulus distribution of CFRTP by a nondestructive vibrational method, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.220, No.111701, (2024-11).
  23. Z. Zhao, Y. Wan, X. Xu and J. Takahashi, Influence of one-dimensional material flow on mechanical properties and fiber orientation distribution of thin-ply carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics sheet molding compounds, Composites Communications, Vol.51, No.102071, (2024-11).
  24. I. Verpoest, V. Michaud and J. Takahashi, LCA of carbon fibres: exploring the reasons behind the hugely diverging published data, Carbon Fiber 2024, (2024-10).
  25. I. Verpoest, V. Michaud and J. Takahashi, LCA of carbon fibres: exploring the reasons behind the hugely diverging published data, TEXCOMP-15, (2024-9).
  26. I. Verpoest, V. Michaud and J. Takahashi, LCA of carbon fibres (exploring the reasons behind the hugely diverging published data), 17th European-Japanese Symposium on Composite Materials 2024, (2024-9).
  27. Y. Wan, S. Yan and J. Takahashi, Evaluation and optimization of flexural properties of anisotropic recycled carbon fiber card web reinforced thermoplastic hollow beams, Composites Communications, Vol.49, No.101957, (2024-8).
  28. Z. Zhao, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Impact of strand length and thickness on mold edge and weld lines in compression molding of CFRTP-SMC, 21st European Conference on Composite Materials, (2024-7).
  29. Q. Wang, Q. Gao, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Research on mechanical properties and internal structures of discontinuous recycled CF/PA6 composites with various molding conditions, 21st European Conference on Composite Materials, (2024-7).
  30. T. Morishima, P. Xue, Y. Wan, J. Takahashi and H. Akimoto, Comparative analysis of environmental and cost impacts of recycling and non-recycling CFRTP application on floating offshore wind turbine blades: an LCA and LCC approach, 21st European Conference on Composite Materials, (2024-7).
  31. F. Zhang, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Influence of hydrothermal environment on mechanical properties and damage mechanisms of sandwich CFRTP composites, 21st European Conference on Composite Materials, (2024-7).
  32. P. Xue, Q. Gao, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Stochastic analysis of spatial inhomogeneity of carbon fiber paper reinforced thermoplastics using Monte Carlo method, 21st European Conference on Composite Materials, (2024-7).
  33. Z. Wang, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, A dual-scale model for tensile stiffness and strength prediction of CFRTP-SMC based on micropolar peridynamic method , 21st European Conference on Composite Materials, (2024-7).
  34. W. Huang, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Structural health monitoring of CFRTP under thermo-oxidative aging by non-destructive vibrational method, 21st European Conference on Composite Materials, (2024-7).
  35. X. Tong, L. Meng, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Preload relaxation behavior and its influence on the mechanical performance of bolted carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic sheet molding compound joints, Polymer Composites, Vol.45, No.10, (2024-7), pp.8810-8824.
  36. P. Xue, Y. Wan, J. Takahashi and H. Akimoto, Structural optimization using a genetic algorithm aiming for the minimum mass of vertical axis wind turbines using composite materials, Heliyon, Vol.10, No.e33185, (2024-6).
  37. P. Qu, H. Kong, X. Li, Y. Lei, A. Guo, S. Wang, H. Wang, Y. Hu, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Additive manufacturing of hybrid continuous carbon/basalt fiber reinforced composites based on bi-matrix co-extrusion, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Vol.30, (2024-5), pp.8683-8704.
  38. X. Xu, A. Jesus, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, A stochastic modelling framework for predicting flexural properties of ultra-thin randomly oriented strands, Advanced Composite Materials (https://doi.org/10.1080/09243046.2024.2351667), (2024-5).
  39. Q. Gao, Y. Wan, H. Wei and J. Takahashi, Characterization and prediction of tensile properties of carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastics composed of hybrid short carbon fiber/PA6 fiber nonwoven mats, Composite Structures, Vol.334, No.117996, (2024-4).
  40. F. Zhang, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Dynamic impact properties of sandwich CFRTP under cyclic hydrothermal environment, 15th Japanese Conference on Composite Materials, No.1B14, (2024-3).
  41. Q. Wang, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Buckling Behaviors of Sandwich Structure CFRTP Materials under Axial Compression, 15th Japanese Conference on Composite Materials, No.1B01, (2024-3).
  42. Y. Wu, Q. Gao, B. Chen, Y. Wan, W. Huang, X. Tong, B. Gu and J. Takahashi, Impact and Flexural Energy Absorption Mechanism of Hybrid Composites Interleaved CF/PA6 Fiber Papers Based On Real-Time Cracks Tracking, Applied Composite Material, Vol.31, (2024-2), pp.149-170.
  43. Y. Zhang, B. Xiao, Y. Wan, W. Huang and J. Takahashi, Identifcation of Spatial Modulus Distribution of Chopped Carbon Fiber Tape‑reinforced Thermoplastic Structures Using Modal Test‑based Inverse Analysis, Applied Composite Materials, Vol.30, (2023-12), pp.1785-1818.
  44. Y. Wan, X. Xu and J. Takahashi, Effect of tape shape on mechanical property stochasticity of CFRTP-SMC, 18th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE18), (2023-12).
  45. T. Morishima, Y. Wan, P. Xue, J. Takahashi and H. Akimoto, The application of recycling CFRP sandwich to the blade of a vertical floating offshore wind power generation, 18th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE18), No.S25, (2023-11).
  46. K. Yokomizo, P. Xue, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Impact of foldable joint structures on the weight of floating axis wind turbines, 18th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE18), No.S16, (2023-11).
  47. A. Uno, Q. Gao, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Prediction of effects of fiber length and fiber diameter dispersion on the strength and modulus of carbon fiber paper reinforced thermoplastics, 18th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE18), No.S14, (2023-11).
  48. S. Miyamoto, R. Xu, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Monte Carlo simulation study on the effect of mixing tapes with different shapes on the strength of CFRTP-SMC, 18th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE18), No.S13, (2023-11).
  49. T. Suzuki, P. Xue, H. Akimoto, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Cross-sectional structure optimization of floating axis wind turbine blades by CFRP, 18th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE18), No.S12, (2023-11).
  50. Z. Wang, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Dual-scale model for stiffness and strength prediction of CFRTP-SMC based on peridynamic theory, 18th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE18), No.S11, (2023-11).
  51. P. Lu, R. Xu, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Experimental validation of tensile properties of CFRTP-SMC with parallelogram tapes, 18th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE18), No.S10, (2023-11).
  52. C. Jin, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Segmentation of CFRTP carbon fibers in 3D CT images using NNU-NET, 18th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE18), No.S09, (2023-11).
  53. Z. Zhao, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Experimental investigation of mechanical properties and internal structure of CFRTP-SMC: influence of tape length and thickness in flow compression molding, 18th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE18), No.S08, (2023-11).
  54. F. Zhang, H. Wei, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Cyclic hydrothermal aging test of CFRTP under severe marine environment, 18th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE18), No.S07, (2023-11).
  55. Q. Gao, Y. Wan, H. Maruko and J. Takahashi, Manufacturing and tensile modulus characterization of nonwoven carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics considering stochastic microstructures, 18th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE18), No.S06, (2023-11).
  56. Q. Wang, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Study on structure stability of CFRTP under axial compression, 18th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE18), No.S05, (2023-11).
  57. R. Xu, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Influence of tape shape on the internal geometry of CFRTP-SMC, 18th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE18), No.S04, (2023-11).
  58. X. Tong, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, The fatigue behavior of bolted carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic sheet molding compounds with different tape geometries, 18th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE18), No.S03, (2023-11).
  59. P. Xue, Y. Wan, T. Morishima, H. Akimoto and J. Takahashi, Blade and structure design optimization of vertical axis wind turbine using surrogate model combined with GA approach, 18th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE18), No.S02, (2023-11).
  60. W. Huang, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Monitoring hydrothermal aging of CFRTP by non-destructive vibrational method, 18th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE18), No.S01, (2023-11).
  61. H. Kong, P. Qu, X. Li, D. Kong, A. Guo, S. Wang, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, An investigation into mechanical properties of a 3D printed two-matrix continuous fiber composites with multi-cavity structure, Journal of Material Research and Technology, Vol.26, (2023-8), pp.4365-4386.
  62. W. Huang, Y. Zhang, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Inversing spatial modulus distribution of CFRTP by a vibrational method and its hydrothermal aging application, 23rd International Conference on Composite Materials, (2023-8).
  63. Q. Gao, H. Wei, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Prediction of Strength and Its Variation of Carbon Fiber Mat Reinforced Thermoplastics Using Monte-Carlo Method, 23rd International Conference on Composite Materials, (2023-8).
  64. R. Xu, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Morphology analysis and shape optimal of CFRTP-SMC based on Monte-Carlo simulation, 23rd International Conference on Composite Materials, (2023-8).
  65. V. Michaud, J. Takahashi and I. Verpoest, LCA of carbon fibers: an analysis of available data sets, 23rd International Conference on Composite Materials, (2023-8).
  66. X. Tong, L. Meng, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, The influence of tape geometry on the mechanical performance of bolted CFRTP-SMC joints, 23rd International Conference on Composite Materials, (2023-8).
  67. Z. Zhao, Y. Zhang, Y. Wan, X. Xu and J. Takahashi, Simulation of fiber orientation during compression molding process of CFRTP-SMC, 23rd International Conference on Composite Materials, (2023-8).
  68. P. Xue, Y. Wan, T. Morishima, H. Akimoto and J. Takahashi, Research on recycled carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic for application on floating vertical axis wind turbine structures, 23rd International Conference on Composite Materials, (2023-7).
  69. Z. Wang, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, An Ordinary State-based Peridynamic Model For Progressive Damage Analysis of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics Material Based on GPU Parallel Scheme, 23rd International Conference on Composite Materials, (2023-7).
  70. I. Verpoest, V. Michaud and J. Takahashi, LCA of Carbon Fibres: exploring the reasons behind the hugely diverging published data, 17th Society and Materials (SAM17) International Conference, (2023-5).
  71. P. Xue, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Research on recycled carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic for application on floating vertical axis wind turbine structures, 47th symposium on Japan Society for Composite Materials, No.C214, (2022-9).
  72. X. Tong, L. Meng, B. Xiao, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, The influence of preload relaxation on the mechanical performance of bolted carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics joints, 47th symposium on Japan Society for Composite Materials, No.B108, (2022-9).
  73. Z. Zhao, Y. Zhang, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Effects and simulation of CFRTP-SMC compression molding on mechanical properties and internal morphology, 47th symposium on Japan Society for Composite Materials, No.B102, (2022-9).
  74. W. Huang, Y. Zhang, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Inversing spatial modulus distribution of CFRTP by a non-destructive vibrational method, 47th symposium on Japan Society for Composite Materials, No.A116, (2022-9).
  75. Q. Gao, Y. Wan, H. Wei and J. Takahashi, Characterization and Modeling of Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber Paper Reinforced Thermoplastics, 47th symposium on Japan Society for Composite Materials, No.A111, (2022-9).
  76. R. Xu, H. Wei, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Model design and morphology analysis of CFRTP-SMC based on Monte-Carlo simulation, 47th symposium on Japan Society for Composite Materials, No.A106, (2022-9).
  77. P. Qu, Y. Wan, G. Fang, A. Guo, G. Liu and J. Takahashi, A novel heterogeneous-particle model based on peridynamics for flexural mechanical properties of randomly oriented fiber reinforced composites, Composites Part B, Vol.243, No.110140, (2022-8).
  78. X. Tong, L. Meng, B. Xiao, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Preload relaxation in bolted carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics sheet molding compound joints, Workshop on Applications of Composites in Extreme Environments & CFRTP-SMC, (2022-7).
  79. Z. Zhao, Y. Zhang, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, FEM simulation and optimization for CFRTP-SMC molding process, Workshop on Applications of Composites in Extreme Environments & CFRTP-SMC, (2022-7).
  80. R. Xu, H. Wei, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Prediction of tensile strength distribution of CFRTP-SMC by numerical simulation, Workshop on Applications of Composites in Extreme Environments & CFRTP-SMC, (2022-7).
  81. Q. Gao, Y. Wan, H. Wei and J. Takahashi, Prediction of Tensile Properties of Carbon Fiber Paper Reinforced Thermoplastics by Numerical Analysis, Workshop on Applications of Composites in Extreme Environments & CFRTP-SMC, (2022-7).
  82. Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Importance of internal morphology on mechanical property predictions of SMC, Workshop on Applications of Composites in Extreme Environments & CFRTP-SMC, (2022-7).
  83. Y. Wan, S. Yamashita and J. Takahashi, Evaluation and modeling of tensile properties of chopped carbon fiber tapes reinforced thermoplastics of different tape thicknesses, Mechanics of Composite Materials, Vol.58, No.3, (2022-7), pp.395-408.
  84. X. Xu, A. Jesus, Y. Wan, Q. Gao, X. Tong, R. Xu, Z. Zhao and J. Takahashi, Predicting Flexural Properties of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastics Sheet Moulding Compounds, The 20th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM20), No.G9.9-61538, (2022-6).
  85. J. Tian, Z. Cao, S. Qian, Y. Xia, J. Zhang, Y. Kong, K. Sheng, Y. Zhang, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Improving tensile strength and impact toughness of plasticized poly(lactic acid) biocomposites by incorporating nanofibrillated cellulose, Nanotechnology Reviews, Vol.11, No.1, (2022-6), pp.2469-2482.
  86. Q. Gao, H. Wei, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Prediction of Tensile Properties of Carbon Fiber Paper Reinforced Thermoplastics by Numerical Analysis, 13th Japan Conference on Composite Materials, No.1A04, (2022-3).
  87. Q. Gao, H. Wei, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Prediction of tensile failure of carbon fiber mat reinforced thermoplastics by numerical analysis, 17th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition, No.S10, (2021-12).
  88. X. Tong, L. Meng, B. Xiao, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Preload relaxation in bolted carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics joints, 17th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition, No.S08, (2021-12).
  89. R. Xu, H. Wei, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Prediction of tensile strength distribution of CFRTP-SMC by monte carlo simulation, 17th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition, No.S07, (2021-12).
  90. Z. Zhao, Y. Zhang and J. Takahashi, Simulation of CFRTP-SMC compression molding: paramater setting and modulus validation, 17th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition, No.S06, (2021-12).
  91. X. He, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Influence of Marine and Harsh Environments on Performance of Carbon Fiber Paper Reinforced Polyamide 6, Fibers and Polymers, Vol.22, No.12, (2021-12), pp.3425-3436.
  92. Y. Zhang, L. Meng, Y. Wan, B. Xiao and J. Takahashi, Measurement of the Flexural Modulus of Chopped Carbon Fiber Tape Reinforced Thermoplastic with Short Beams, Applied Composite Materials, Vol.28, No.5, (2021-10), pp.1511-1530.
  93. X. He, B. Xiao, G. Cai and J. Takahashi, Morphological, physicochemical, and flexural characterization of carbon fiber paper–reinforced polyamide 6 for long-term application in aqueous environments, Journal of Polymer Research, Vol.28, No.9, (2021-9), Article:362.
  94. 李早陽・大澤勇・圖子博昭・髙橋淳・成瀬新二・藤森竜士・浮ヶ谷孝一・近藤千尋・松木寿嗣, 繊維強化体及びそれを用いた部材, 特許第6931846号, (2021-8).
  95. 岩下哲雄・藤田和宏・髙橋淳・大澤勇, マイクロコンポジット法によるCF/PP界面接着性評価の試み, 強化プラスチックス, Vol.67, No.7, (2021-7), pp.274-280.
  96. Y. Wan, X. Zhang, Y. Sato and J. Takahashi , Stochasticity modeling and analysis of elastic modulus of randomly oriented strands, Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.30, No.3, (2021-5), pp.286-306.
  97. G. Cai, T. Shirai, Y. Wan, K. Uzawa and J. Takahashi, Application of X-ray Computed Tomography to Measuring Fiber Orientation Distribution of Chopped Carbon Fiber Tape Reinforced Thermoplastics, Applied Composite Materials, Vol.28, No.2, (2021-4), pp.573-586.
  98. Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Development of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastics for Mass-Produced Automotive Applications in Japan, Journal of Composites Science, Vol.5, No.86, (2021-3).
  99. X. Tong, L. Meng, B. Xiao, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Preload relaxation in bolted carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics joints, 12th Japan Conference on Composite Materials, No.3D-10, (2021-3).
  100. Z. Zhao, Y. Zhang, B. Xiao, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Influences of material flow and thermoforming of CTT on changing microstructure and mechanical properties, 12th Japan Conference on Composite Materials, No.3C-15, (2021-3).
  101. L. Meng, Y. Zhang, X. Tong and J. Takahashi, Simulation for progressive bearing failure of chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastic, 12th Japan Conference on Composite Materials, No.2D-06, (2021-3).
  102. R. Xu, H. Wei, Y. Wan, B. Xiao and J. Takahashi, Prediction of tensile strength distribution of SMC by numerical simulation, 12th Japan Conference on Composite Materials, No.2A-08, (2021-3).
  103. Y. Zhang and J. Takahashi, Natural frequencies-based inverse analysis for identifying the spatial modulus distribution of chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastic structures, 12th Japan Conference on Composite Materials, No.2A-03, (2021-3).
  104. L. Xu, J. Zhao, S. Qian, X. Zhu and J. Takahashi, Green-plasticized poly(lactic acid)/nanofibrillated cellulose biocomposites with high strength, good toughness and excellent heat resistance, Composites Science and Technology, Vol.203, No.108613, (2021-2).
  105. S. Yan, Y. Wan, B. Xiao and J. Takahashi, Structural optimization of anisotropic CFRTP based on FEM simulation, The 2nd Academic Exchange Meeting on Systems Innovation, Vol.D-2, No.4, (2021-1).
  106. R. Xu, H. Wei, Y. Wan, B. Xiao and J. Takahashi, Prediction of Mechanical Property of CTT and CWT by numerical simulation, The 2nd Academic Exchange Meeting on Systems Innovation, Vol.C-1, No.3, (2021-1).
  107. Y. Wan, H. Suganuma and J. Takahashi, Effect of fabrication processes and tape thickness on tensile properties of chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastics, Composites Communications, Vol.22, No.100434, (2020-12).
  108. Y. Zhang, L. Meng and J. Takahashi, Measurement of flexural modulus of chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastic based on short and thick beam, 45th Symposium on Japan Society of Composite Materials, No.A102, (2020-9).
  109. L. Meng, B. Xiao, T. Sasaki, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Bolt-bearing fatigue characteristics of chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastic, 45th Symposium on Japan Society of Composite Materials, No.A101, (2020-9).
  110. Q. Guo, B. Xiao, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Fracture mechanism characteristics of ultra-thin chopped carbon fiber tape-reinforced thermoplastics hat-shaped hollow beam under transverse static and impact loadings, Carbon Letters, Vol.30, No.3, (2020-6), pp.271-280.
  111. G. Cai, M. Wada, I. Ohsawa, S. Kitaoka and J. Takahashi, Tensile properties of recycled carbon fibers subjected to superheated steam treatment under various conditions, Composites: Part A, Vol.133, No.105869, (2020-6).
  112. Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Mechanical modeling of CF/PA6 sheet molding compounds with X-ray computed tomography-based internal geometry considerations, Composites Science and Technology, Vol.192, No.108104, (2020-5).
  113. Y. Wang, Y. Gao, J. Takahashi, Y. Wan, X. He, Y. Zhang, B. Xiao and C. Zhang, The study of microstructure characterization: Cu modified Cu-Ni-graphite composite, Composite Interfaces, Vol.27, No.3, (2020-3), pp.249-262.
  114. Q. Guo, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Mode I and Mode II Interlaminar Behavior of Ultra-Thin Chopped Carbon Fiber Tape-Reinforced Thermoplastics, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Vol.45, No.2, (2020-2), pp.1071-1080.
  115. Y. Zhang, B. Xiao, Y. Wan, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Improvement of Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Springbacked CFRTP Sandwich Structures, TEIJIN MIRAI Forum 2020, (2020-2).
  116. Y. Wang, Y. Gao, J. Takahashi, Y. Wan, M. Li, B. Xiao, Y. Zhang and X. He, Investigation of modification of Cu-Ni-graphite composite by silver, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol.239, (2020-1), 121990.
  117. Y. Wang, Y. Gao, J. Takahashi, Y. Wan, Y. Zhang, B. Xiao, X. He and J. Li, Effect of graphite content on Cu-Ni-graphite composite for use as switch slide baseplate materials sliding against U75V steel, Journal of Tribology, Vol.141, No.12, (2019-12), 121603-1.
  118. L. Meng, Y. Wan, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi , Effects of geometric parameters on the failure behavior of mechanically fastened chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastics, Composite Structures, Vol.229, (2019-12), 111475.
  119. B. Xiao, T. Zaima, K. Shindo, T. Kohira, J. Morisawa, Y. Wan, G. Yin, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Characterization and elastic property modeling of discontinuous carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics prepared by a carding and stretching system using treated carbon fibers, Composites Part A, Vol.126, (2019-11), 105598.
  120. 佐々木貴大・大澤勇・万熠・髙橋淳, AE法によるCFRTPの破壊挙動の解明, 第22回アコースティック・エミッション総合コンファレンス論文集, (2019-10), pp.99-102.
  121. Y. Wang, Y. Gao, J. Takahashi, Y. Wan, B. Xiao, Y. Zhang, X. He and J. Li, Titanium-modified graphite reinforced Cu-Ni composite by multi-arc ion plating technology, Vacuum, Vol.168, (2019-10), 108829.
  122. Y. Wang, Y. Wan, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Effect of different temperature on mechanical properties of carbon fiber paper reinforced thermoplastics by oxidation processing, 44th Symposium of the Japan Society of Composite Materials, No.A103, (2019-9).
  123. J. Li, B. Xiao, H. Matsuda, Y. Wan, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Flexural behavior of carbon fiber paper reinforced thermoplastics/ aramid fiber paper hybrid materials and its simulation, 44th Symposium of the Japan Society of Composite Materials, No.A102, (2019-9).
  124. Y. Zhang, B. Xiao, Y. Wan, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Improvement of dynamic mechanical properties of CFRTP sandwich structures, 16th Japan international SAMPE symposium and exhibition, No.S-29, (2019-9).
  125. Y. Wang, Y. Wan, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Evaluation of oxidation resistance property of carbon fiber paper reinforced thermoplastics, 16th Japan international SAMPE symposium and exhibition, No.S-28, (2019-9).
  126. J. Li, B. Xiao, H. Matsuda, Y. Wan, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Flexural property and energy absorption ability of CPT/AWT hybrid composites, 16th Japan international SAMPE symposium and exhibition, No.S-15, (2019-9).
  127. L. Meng, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Effects of temperature on chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastic pinned joints, 16th Japan international SAMPE symposium and exhibition, No.S-07, (2019-9).
  128. X. He, I. Ohsawa, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, The effects of sea water and temperature on the flexural property of carbon fiber reinforced polyamide 6, 16th Japan international SAMPE symposium and exhibition, No.S-06, (2019-9).
  129. Q. Guo, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, L-shaped structures made from ultrathin chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastics: delamination behavior and optimization, Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.28, No.5, (2019-9), pp.479-489.
  130. T. Han, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Evaluation and simulation on the molding process of chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastics, 22nd international conference on composite materials, No.5113-2, (2019-8).
  131. Y. Wan, T. Han and J. Takahashi, Evaluation of molding processes effects on internal geometry of randomly oriented strands, 22nd international conference on composite materials, No.5108-3, (2019-8).
  132. Y. Furuta, S. Shao, G. Yin, B. Xiao, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Design of semi-complex parts using anisotropic carbon fiber card web reinforced thermoplastics, 22nd international conference on composite materials, No.P054, (2019-8).
  133. Y. Zhang, B. Xiao, Y. Wan, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Manufacturing and comparison of springbacked carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic sandwich structures, 22nd international conference on composite materials, No.P041, (2019-8).
  134. B. Xiao, Y. Wan, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Deconsolidation behavior of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics as core in sandwich structure, 22nd international conference on composite materials, No.P037, (2019-8).
  135. X. He, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, The effects of moisture and temperature on the flexural properties of carbon fiber paper reinforced thermoplastics/polyamide 6, 22nd international conference on composite materials, No.P090, (2019-8).
  136. H. Matsuda, B. Xiao, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Effect of aramid fiber cloth on carbon/aramid fiber reinforced thermoplastics, 22nd international conference on composite materials, No.P088, (2019-8).
  137. S. Shao, K. Miyaji, B. Xiao, Y. Wan, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Validation and application of micro-CT analysis for recycled carbon fiber card web reinforced thermoplastics, 22nd international conference on composite materials, No.1313-4, (2019-8).
  138. 髙橋淳・大澤勇・川邊和正・村上哲彦・住本健・豊川裕也, チョップドテープ繊維強化熱可塑性樹脂シート材及びその製造方法, 特許第6547982号, (2019-7).
  139. H. Wei, W. Nagatsuka, I. Ohsawa, K. Sumimoto and J. Takahashi, Influence of small amount of glass fibers on mechanical properties of discontinuous recycled carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastics, Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.28, No.3, (2019-5), pp.321-334.
  140. G. Cai, M. Wada, I. Ohsawa, S. Kitaoka and J. Takahashi, Interfacial adhesion of recycled carbon fibers to polypropylene resin: Effect of superheated steam on the surface chemical state of carbon fiber, Composites: Part A, Vol.120, (2019-5), pp.33-40.
  141. B. Xiao, H. Matsuda, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Hybrid effect on carbon paper reinforced thermoplastics with aramid papers , 10th Japanese Conference on Composite Materials, No.1D-16, (2019-3).
  142. H. Piao, L. Chen, Y. Kiryu, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Influence of water absorption and temperature on the mechanical properties of discontinuous carbon fiber reinforced polyamide 6, Fibers and Polymers, Vol.20, No.3, (2019-3), pp.611-619.
  143. H. Piao, Y. Kiryu, L. Chen, S. Yamashita, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Influence of water absorption on the mechanical properties of discontinuous carbon fiber reinforced polyamide 6, Journal of Polymer Research, Vol.26, No.3, (2019-3), Article:63.
  144. B. Xiao, Y. Wan, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Effect of needle punching on flexural behavior of carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic sandwich panel with spring-backed core, Composites Part A, Vol.118, (2019-3), pp.57-66.
  145. Y. Wang, Y. Gao, J. Takahashi, Y. Wan, Y. Li, M. Li, C. Zhang, B. Xiao, X. He, J. Li, Q. Liu and C. Zhou, Effect of plating time on surface evolution of chromium modified graphite powder by multi-arc ion plating, Surface Topography: Metrology and Propertie, Vol.7, No.1, (2019-1), pp.1-7.
  146. Y. Wan, I. Straumit, J. Takahashi and S. V. Lomov, Micro-CT analysis of the orientation unevenness in randomly chopped strand composites in relation to the strand length, Composite Structures, Vol.206, (2018-12), pp.865-875.
  147. P. Qu, Y. Wan, C. Bao, Q. Sun, G. Fang and J. Takahashi, A new numerical method for the mechanical analysis of chopped carbon fiber tape-reinforced thermoplastics, Composite Structures, Vol.201, (2018-10), pp.857-866.
  148. Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Japanese studies of composites in crash, Workshop on crash behaviour of composites, (2018-9).
  149. Y. Zhang, B. Xiao, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, The advantage of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics in body-collision structure design, 43rd Symposium of the Japan Society of Composite Materials, (2018-9).
  150. B. Xiao, I. Ohsawa, S. Naruse and J. Takahashi, Hybrid reinforcement effect of discontinuous carbon/aramid fiber paper reinforced thermoplastics , 43rd Symposium of the Japan Society of Composite Materials, (2018-9).
  151. 志田龍亮・高橋淳, 炭素繊維テープ強化熱可塑性プラスチックスのバラツキ・面外異方性を考慮した位相最適化の検討, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.44, No.4, (2018-7), pp.129-137.
  152. X. Lyu, Y. Wan, J. Takahashi and I. Ohsawa, Health condition evaluation of carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic with a tapping system, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, Vol.31, No.7, (2018-7), pp.959-973.
  153. I. Straumit, I. Baran, L. Gorbatikh, L. Farkas, C. Hahn, K. Ilin, J. Ivens, L. Lessard, Y. Liu, N. Nguyen, A. Matveeva, M. Mehdikhani, O. Shishkina, J. Soete, J. Takahashi, D. Vandepitte, D. Vasiukov, Y. Wan, E. Winterstein, M. Wevers and S. V. Lomov, Micro-CT-based analysis of fibre-reinforced composites: applications, Proceedings of ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, (2018-6).
  154. H. Toyoda, W. Sato and J. Takahashi, Effect of thermal welding repair for damaged ultrathin chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, (2018-6).
  155. Y. Zhang, G. Yin, B. Xiao, Y. Wan, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Comparison between springbacked carbon fiber card web reinforced thermoplastics and carbon fiber paper reinforced thermoplastics sandwich structures on bending and impact property, Proceedings of ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, (2018-6).
  156. B. Xiao, Q. Guo, I. Ohsawa, M. Fujita and J. Takahashi, Manufacture and performance evaluation of hat-stiffened structure made by chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, (2018-6).
  157. D. Kobayashi, Y. Wan, J. Takahashi and I. Ohsawa, The effects of polypropylene film on springbacked carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, (2018-6).
  158. G. Cai, M. Wada, I. Ohsawa, S. Kitaoka and J. Takahashi, Effect of superheated steam on the adhesion properties of recycled carbon fiber, Proceedings of ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, (2018-6).
  159. P. Qu, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, A peridynamics model for the mechanical analysis of chopped carbon fiber tapes reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, (2018-6).
  160. Q. Guo, B. Xiao, I. Ohsawa, M. Fujita and J. Takahashi, Numerical analysis and optimization of CFRTP hat-stiffened structure, Proceedings of ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, (2018-6).
  161. Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Internal structure investigation of discontinuous CFRTP using X-ray micro-CT methods, Proceedings of ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, (2018-6).
  162. L. Meng, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, A parametric study of ultra-thin chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastic in double-shear tests, Proceedings of ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, (2018-6).
  163. B. Xiao, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, The manufacturing of carbon-fiber paper reinforced thermoplastic core sandwiched panels under several degrees of consolidation, Proceedings of ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, (2018-6).
  164. Y. Zhang, B. Xiao, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Evaluation of soft-skin effect performance of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, (2018-6).
  165. G. Cai, M. Wada, I. Ohsawa, S. Kitaoka and J. Takahashi, Influence of treatment with superheated steam on tensile properties of carbon fiber, Composites: Part A, Vol.107, (2018-4), pp.555-560.
  166. B. Xiao, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Manufacturing and flexural behavior of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic sandwich panels with springback cores, 9th Japanese Conference on Composite Materials, No.3B-09, (2018-3).
  167. P. Qu, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Numerical Analysis on the Tensile Properties of Chopped Carbon Fiber Tapes Reinforced Thermoplastics, 9th Japanese Conference on Composite Materials, No.3A-04, (2018-3).
  168. T. Ishikawa, K. Amaoka, Y. Masubuchi, T. Yamamoto, A. Yamanaka, M. Arai and J. Takahashi, Overview of Automotive Structural Composites Technology Developments in Japan, Composites Science and Technology, Vol.155, (2018-2), pp.221-226.
  169. X. Lyu, J. Takahashi, Y. Wan and I. Ohsawa, Determination of transverse flexural and shear moduli of chopped carbon fiber tape-reinforced thermoplastic by vibration, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol.52, No.3, (2018-2), pp.395-404.
  170. 志田龍亮・高橋淳, 炭素繊維テープ強化熱可塑性プラスチックスにおける引張特性予測シミュレーションモデルの検討, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.44, No.1, (2018-1), pp.9-18.
  171. H. Wei, W. Nagatsuka, H. Lee, I. Ohsawa, K. Sumimoto, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Mechanical properties of carbon fiber paper reinforced thermoplastics using mixed discontinuous recycled carbon fibers, Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.27, No.1, (2018-1), pp.19-34.
  172. T. Hayashi and J. Takahashi, Influence of void content on the flexural fracture behaviour of carbon fiber reinforced polypropylene, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol.51, No.29, (2017-12), pp.4067-4078.
  173. H. Lee, C. Bi, S. Tang, T. Hayashi and J. Takahashi, Formability and flow front observation of carbon/polyamide 6 randomly oriented strand composites during compression molding, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol.36, No.23, (2017-12), pp.1727-1744.
  174. Y. Nakashima, S. Yamashita, H. Suganuma, J. Takahashi, K. Kawabe and T. Murakami, Effects of The Tape Thickness on The Mechanical Properties of Chopped Carbon Fiber Tape Reinforced Thermoplastics, 15th Japan international SAMPE symposium and exhibition, (2017-11).
  175. T. Hayashi, T. Kobayashi and J. Takahashi, Quantification of the void content of composite materials using soft X-ray transmittance, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, Vol.30, No.11, (2017-11), pp.1522-1540.
  176. Y. Nakashima, S. Yamashita, X. Zhang, H. Suganuma and J. Takahashi, Analytical modelling of the behaviour and scatter of the flexural modulus of randomly oriented carbon fibre strand thermoplastic composites, Composite Structures, Vol.178, (2017-10), pp.217-224.
  177. S. Yamashita, Y. Hirano, T. Sonehara, J. Takahashi, K. Kawabe and T. Murakami, Residual mechanical properties of carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastics with thin-ply prepreg after simulated lightning strike, Composites: Part A, Vol.101, (2017-10), pp.185-194.
  178. Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Internal geometry analysis and mechanical property simulation of randomly oriented strands, 15th European-Japanese Meeting on Composite Materials, No.T2.2, (2017-9).
  179. Q. Guo, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Design Optimization of CFRTP Hat-stiffened Structure, 42nd Symposium on Japan Society of Composite Materials, (2017-9).
  180. Y. Nakashima, H. Suganuma, S. Yamashita and J. Takahashi, Influence of strand dispersion method on mechanical properties of randomly oriented carbon fiber strand thermoplastic composites, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, 5118-2, (2017-8).
  181. H. Toyoda, H. Suganuma, S. Yamashita, T. Hayashi, M. Fujita and J. Takahashi, Influence of strand dimension and dispersion method on rigidity and its scatter of hat shaped specimens made of randomly-oriented CFRTP strands, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, 4318-3, (2017-8).
  182. Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Multi-scale internal geometry analysis and mechanical modeling of randomly oriented strands, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Tsai Award Session, 1, (2017-8).
  183. C. Bi, H. Lee, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Temperature dependent rheological properties of ultra-thin chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, P1105-50, (2017-8).
  184. Q. Guo, B. Xiao, Y. Zhang, B. Spitzlei, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Numerical and experimental study of the mode I interlaminar failure of chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, P1105-5, (2017-8).
  185. D. Kobayashi, T. Nakamura, Y. Wan, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, A study on hybridization of springbacked carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, P1104-7, (2017-8).
  186. W. Sato, R. Shida, H. Toyoda, M. Fujita and J. Takahashi, Verification of flexural rigidity of thickness optimized structure made of discontinuous CFRTP, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, P1104-16, (2017-8).
  187. M. Fujita, Y. Nakashima and J. Takahashi, Influence of strand dispersion method on mechanical properties of hollow-S-shaped member made of randomly-orientated CFRTP strands, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, 3107-2, (2017-8).
  188. B. Xiao, Y. Wan, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Needle punching effect on carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic sandwich panels, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, 2418-2, (2017-8).
  189. Y. Zhang, Y. Wan, T. Nakamura and J. Takahashi, Effect of springback ratio on bending and impact property of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics sandwich structures, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, 2403-4, (2017-8).
  190. H. Piao, M. Fujita, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Experimental and numerical study on the interfacial properties of CFRTP in micro-droplet test , Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, 2218-2, (2017-8).
  191. N. Okano, H. Wei, G. Cai, M. Wada, S. Kitaoka and J. Takahashi, Influence of recycling condition on the scatter of CFRP properties, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, 2119-1, (2017-8).
  192. G. Cai, G. Yin, M. Wada, S. Kitaoka, H. Wei, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Influence of recycling process on the tensile property of carbon fiber, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, 1319-2, (2017-8).
  193. G. Yin, G. Cai, H. Wei, W. Nagatsuka, T. Kohira, J. Morisawa and J. Takahashi, Novel carding process to improve mechanical properties of recycled carbon fiber card web reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, 1319-1, (2017-8).
  194. L. Meng, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Failure analysis of ultra-thin chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastic in double-shear tests, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, 1213-1, (2017-8).
  195. R. Shida and J. Takahashi, Theoretical analysis on CFRTP optimal structure subjected to bending load and the influence of out-of-plane shear modulus, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, 1107-4, (2017-8).
  196. 志田龍亮・高橋淳, 曲げ荷重を受けるCFRTP梁の最適板厚徐変構造の理論解析と面外せん断弾性率の影響, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.43, No.4, (2017-7), pp.133-141.
  197. Y. Wan, I. Straumit, S. V. Lomov and J. Takahashi, Internal geometry analysis of discontinuous carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics with two micro-CT methods, 3rd International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures, (2017-6).
  198. Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Meso-structural quantification and visualization of ROS of thermoplastic composites, 8th Japan Conference on Composite Materials, (2017-3).
  199. 大堀敏郎・李漢哲・大澤勇・高橋淳, 曲げ荷重を受ける不連続炭素繊維強化熱可塑性樹脂板の最適構造設計, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.43, No.2, (2017-3), pp.65-73.
  200. S. Yamashita, T. Sonehara, J. Takahashi, K. Kawabe and T. Murakami, Effect of thin-ply on damage behaviour of continuous and discontinuous carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastics subjected to simulated lightning strike, Composites: Part A, Vol.95, (2017-1), pp.132-140.
  201. 菅沼啓史・山下慎一郎・大澤勇・高橋淳, 炭素繊維薄層テープ強化熱可塑性樹脂の引張弾性率評価試験におけるバラツキに関する研究, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.43, No.1, (2017-1), pp.18-24.
  202. Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Tensile properties and aspect ratio simulation of transversely isotropic discontinuous carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics, Composites Science and Technology, Vol.137, (2016-12), pp.167-176.
  203. Y. Wan, I. Straumit, J. Takahashi and S. V. Lomov, Micro-CT analysis of internal geometry of chopped carbon fiber tapes reinforced thermoplastics , Composites: Part A, Vol.91, (2016-12), pp.211-221.
  204. S. Yamashita, Y. Nakashima, J. Takahashi, K. Kawabe and T. Murakami, Volume resistivity of ultra-thin chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastics, Composites: Part A, Vol.90, (2016-11), pp.598-605.
  205. Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Modeling analysis and evaluation of tensile properties of discontinuous CFRTP using homogenization and de-homogenization methods, CAMX, (2016-9).
  206. S. DorMohammadi, M. Lee, M. Repupilli, F. Abdi, Y. Wan, J. Takahashi and H. Huang, Multi-Scale Computational Modeling of Short Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics, American Society for Composites 31st Technical Conference and ASTM Committee D30 Meeting, (2016-9).
  207. 林崇寛・小林貴幸・髙橋淳, 複合材料の軟X線吸収係数に関する検討, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.42, No.5, (2016-9), pp.169-177.
  208. S. Yamashita, K. Hashimoto, H. Suganuma and J. Takahashi, Experimental characterization of the tensile failure mode of ultra-thin chopped carbon fiber tape-reinforced thermoplastics, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol.35, No.18, (2016-9), pp.1342-1352.
  209. Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Tensile and compressive properties of chopped carbon fiber tapes reinforced thermoplastics with different fiber lengths and molding pressures, Composites Part A, Vol.87, (2016-8), pp.271-281.
  210. S. Yamashita, T. Sonehara, J. Takahashi, K. Kawabe and T. Murakami, Evaluation of lightning resistance of chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastics, 17th European Conference on Composite Materials, (2016-6).
  211. Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, CFRTP mechanical properties simulation by Mori-Tanaka model and equivalent laminate method, 17th European Conference on Composite Materials, (2016-6).
  212. H. Piao, Y. Kiryu, L. Chen, S. Yamashita, H. Wei, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Influences of water absorption on the mechanical properties of discontinuous CF/PA6 and CF/PP, 17th European Conference on Composite Materials, (2016-6).
  213. W. Nagatsuka, T. Matsuo, T. Murakami, M. Kan and J. Takahashi, Evaluation and verification of temperature dependent out-of-plane shear modulus of discontinuous carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic composite by modified double notched compression method, 17th European Conference on Composite Materials, (2016-6).
  214. L. Meng, H. Wataki, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Failure analysis of ultra-thin chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastic in mechanical joints, 17th European Conference on Composite Materials, (2016-6).
  215. X. Lyu, J. Takahashi and Y. Wan, Analysis of viscoelastic behaviour of ultra-thin chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastics with different tape lengths, 17th European Conference on Composite Materials, (2016-6).
  216. Q. Guo, Z. Li, T. Ohori and J. Takahashi, Design optimization of CFRP rectangular box subjected to arbitrary loadings, 17th European Conference on Composite Materials, (2016-6).
  217. Y. Nakashima, H. Suganuma, S. Yamashita and J. Takahashi, Evaluation of flexural modulus of ultra-thin chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastics, 17th European Conference on Composite Materials, (2016-6).
  218. D. Kobayashi, Y. Wan, H. Lee, T. Nakamura, H. Wei, J. Takahashi and I. Ohsawa, Flow behavior of complex shaped hybrid CFRTP during compression molding, 17th European Conference on Composite Materials, (2016-6).
  219. W. Nagatsuka, H. Piao and J. Takahashi, A Novel CF/PMP Composite for Ultra-Lightening Application, SAMPE Long Beach 2016, (2016-5).
  220. H. Wei, H. Lee, W. Nagatsuka, Isamu Ohsawa, K. Kawabe, T. Murakami, Ken Sumimoto and J. Takahashi, Comparison of Techniques for High-performance re-use of the Recycled Carbon Fiber, The 7th conference of Systems Innovation, (2016-1).
  221. 長塚渉・松尾剛・矢野文彬・髙橋淳, 不連続繊維分散系CFRTPの曲げ弾性率における速度依存性予測, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.42, No.1, (2016-1), pp.23-33.
  222. H. Wei, W. Nagatsuka, I. Ohsawa, K. Sumimoto and J. Takahashi, The influence of glass fibers on the mechanical properties of carbon fiber paper reinforced thermoplastics made by discontinuous recycled carbon fibers, Proceedings of the 14th JAPAN international SAMPE symposium and exhibition, (2015-12).
  223. T. Nakamura, Y. Wan, H. Wei, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Investigation of sandwich panel made by CFRTS and CFRTP, Proceedings of the 14th JAPAN international SAMPE symposium and exhibition, (2015-12).
  224. S. Yamashita, Y. Nakashima, J. Takahashi, K. Kawabe and T. Murakami, Tape length dependence of the electrical conductivity of ultra-thin chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of the 14th JAPAN international SAMPE symposium and exhibition, (2015-12).
  225. H. Lee, S. Tang, T. Ohori, T. Hayashi, Y. Wan, J. Takahashi, I. Ohsawa and K. Kawabe and T. Murakami, Applicability of FEM to complex shape parts made by ultra-thin chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of the 14th JAPAN international SAMPE symposium and exhibition, (2015-12).
  226. H. Wataki, T. Hayashi, T. Ohori and J. Takahashi, Flexural property of jointed structure made by CFRTP, Proceedings of the 14th JAPAN international SAMPE symposium and exhibition, (2015-12).
  227. H. Lee, H. Wei and J. Takahashi, The Influence of Plasma in Various Atmospheres on the Adhesion Properties of Recycled Carbon Fiber, Macromolecular Research, Vol.23, No.11, (2015-11), pp.1026-1033.
  228. W. Nagatsuka, M. Wada, I. Ohsawa, S. Kitaoka and J. Takahashi, Influence of Superheated Steam Treatment Condition on Recycled Carbon Fiber, 1st International Symposium on Emerging Functional Materials, (2015-11).
  229. H. Lee, S. Tang, T. Hayashi, J. Takahashi, I. Ohsawa, K. Kawabe and T. Murakami, Flow Behavior of the Tapes during Compression Molding of Ultra-thin Chopped Carbon Fiber Tape Reinforced Thermoplastics, 1st International Symposium on Emerging Functional Materials, (2015-11).
  230. H. Piao, W. Nagatsuka, H. Lee, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Influence of preheating condition on thermal oxidative degradation of carbon fiber reinforced polypropylene, 1st International Symposium on Emerging Functional Materials, (2015-11).
  231. X. Lyu, Y. Wan, J. Takahashi and W. Nagatsuka, Measurement of Temperature Dependence of Flexural Modulus of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics by Dynamic Test, 40th Symposium on Japan Society of Composite Materials, No. C1-02, (2015-9).
  232. Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Tape length determination of chopped CF tape reinforced thermoplastics based on Mori-Tanaka method, 40th Symposium on Japan Society of Composite Materials, No. B1-09, (2015-9).
  233. 山下慎一郎・橋本幸治・菅沼啓史・髙橋淳・川邊和正・村上哲彦, 炭素繊維薄層テープ強化熱可塑性樹脂の引張強度における繊維長依存性, 第40回複合材料シンポジウム, No. B1-05, (2015-9).
  234. T. Hayashi, K. Hasegawa and J. Takahashi, Novel preheating method with matrix resin impregnation for stamp forming of CFRTP, Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, Vol.5210, No.3, (2015-7), pp.1-8.
  235. W. Nagatsuka, T. Matsuo, F. Yano, K. Furukawa and J. Takahashi, Formulation about time- and temperature-dependent flexural modulus of discontinuous carbon fiber mat reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, Vol.3407, No.4, (2015-7), pp.1-10.
  236. Y. Wan, T. Ohori and J. Takahashi, Mechanical properties and modeling of discontinuous carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, Vol.3222, No.4, (2015-7), pp.1-12.
  237. M. Akamatus, T. Ohori, T. Hayashi and J. Takahashi, Investigation of the delamination behavior on carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, Vol.P202, No.7, (2015-7), pp.1-8.
  238. X. Lyu, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Applicability of a tapping method to non-destructive inspection of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, Vol.P202, No.2, (2015-7), pp.1-12.
  239. S. Tang, T. Hayashi, H. Lee, W. Nagatsuka, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Flowability of discontinuous carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, Vol.P201, No.11, (2015-7), pp.1-8.
  240. H. Suganuma, S. Yamashita, X. Zhang, K. Hashimoto, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Influence of dispersion method to dispersibility and mechanical properties of ultra-thin carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, Vol.P201, No.10, (2015-7), pp.1-9.
  241. H. Wei, H. Lee, W. Nagatsuka, I. Ohsawa, K. Kawabe, T. Murakami, K. Sumitomo and J. Takahashi, Systematic comparison between carding and paper-making method for producing discontinuous recycled carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, Vol.P101, No.19, (2015-7), pp.1-9.
  242. H. Piao, W. Nagatsuka, H. Lee, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Influence of preheating conditions on the degradation of carbon fiber reinforced polypropylene, Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, Vol.P101, No.10, (2015-7), pp.1-9.
  243. T. Ohori, T. Hayashi and J. Takahashi, FEA using design optimization technique for an application of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics to automobile body structure, Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, Vol.1220, No.2, (2015-7), pp.1-10.
  244. 林崇寛・小林貴幸・髙橋淳, 軟X線透過率を用いた複合材料のボイド率定量化手法に関する検討, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.41, No.4, (2015-7), pp.122-127.
  245. Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Bending and impact properties of randomly orientated discontinuous CFRTP with thin-ply structure, Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference on Composites/NANO Engineering (ICCE-23), (2015-7), pp.743-744.
  246. X. Lyu, W. Nagatsuka, Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Determination of strain rate dependent young's modulus of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics by static and dynamic tests, Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference on Composites/NANO Engineering (ICCE-23), (2015-7), pp.513-514.
  247. Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Effect of tape lengths and impregnation conditions on mechanical properties of carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastics, TEXCOMP-12, (2015-5).
  248. T. Matsuo, T. Goto and J. Takahashi, Investigation about the fracture behavior and strength in a curved section of CF/PP composite by a thin-curved beam specimen, Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.24, No.3, (2015-5), pp.249-268.
  249. H. Lee, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Effect of plasma surface treatment of recycled carbon fiber on carbon fiber-reinforced plastics (CFRP) interfacial properties, Applied Surface Science, Vol.328, (2015-2), pp.241-246.
  250. 山下慎一郎・髙橋淳, 熱可塑性CFRPによる量産車の軽量化に関する研究開発, 第6回システム創成学学術講演会講演論文集, (2014-12).
  251. Y. Tsujimura, H. Nishida, J. Takahashi and I. Ohsawa, Ultrasonic Thermal Fusion of Termoplastic Epoxy Composites, Proceedings of the 10th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC 2014), (2014-12).
  252. X. Lyu, J. Takahashi and I. Ohsawa, Damping capacity of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of 11th China-Japan Joint Conference on Composite Materials, (2014-10), pp.1-4.
  253. X. Lyu, J. Takahashi and I. Ohsawa, Dynamic measurement of elastic modulus of CFRTP by vibration, Proceedings of 9th Asian-Australian Conference on Composite Materials, (2014-10), pp.1-6.
  254. H. Wei, W. Nagatsuka, H. Lee, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Manufacturing process and mechanical properties of recycled carbon fiber card web reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of 9th Asian-Australian Conference on Composite Materials, (2014-10), pp.1-6.
  255. Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Investigation of the deconsolidation effect of carbon mat reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of 9th Asian-Australian Conference on Composite Materials, (2014-10), pp.1-6.
  256. Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Deconsolidation behavior of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics, Journal of Reinforced Plastics & Composites, Vol.33, No.17, (2014-8), pp.1613-1624.
  257. Y. Wan, T. Matsuo, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Effects of curvature on strength and damage modes of L-shaped carbon fiber reinforced polypropylene, Journal of reinforced plastics & composites, Vol.33, No.14, (2014-7), pp.1305-1315.
  258. H. Wei, T. Akiyama, H. Lee, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Mechanical properties of recycled carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics made by carbon fiber paper, 16th European conference on composite materials, No.25.3.1, (2014-6).
  259. S. Yamashita, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Experimental and theoretical study about electrical and thermal properties of carbon fiber mat reinforced thermoplastics, 16th European conference on composite materials, No.25.1.4, (2014-6).
  260. Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Fiber length effect on tensile and compressive strength of short fiber reinforced thermoplastics, 16th European conference on composite materials, No.25.1.1, (2014-6).
  261. H. Wataki, I. Ohsawa, T. Hayashi, K. Suzuki, K. Hasegawa and J. Takahashi, Resin impregnation of CFRTP preform by using ultrasonic wave, 16th European conference on composite materials, No.24.1.7, (2014-6).
  262. M. Akamatsu, T. Matsuo, T. Ohori, X. Zhang and J. Takahashi, Finite element simulation of the delamination propagation of l-shaped CFRTP specimen, 16th European conference on composite materials, No.23.4.1, (2014-6).
  263. W. Nagatsuka, N. Hirano, H. Muramatsu, Y. Takebe, A. Tsuchiya and J. Takahashi, Design of carbon fiber mat reinforced thermoplastics by controlling fiber/matrix adhesion and volume fraction of fiber, 16th European conference on composite materials, No.23.3.4, (2014-6).
  264. T. Ohori, T. Matsuo, K. Furukawa and J. Takahashi, Finite element analysis of CFRTP hollow beam under flexural load for an application to vehicle body structure, 16th European conference on composite materials, No.23.3.3, (2014-6).
  265. T. Hayashi, K. Hasegawa, H. Wataki and J. Takahashi, Development of novel heat efficient preheating process for high cycle thermoforming of discontinuous CFRTP, 16th European conference on composite materials, No.23.3.2, (2014-6).
  266. Y. Wan and J. Takahashi, Thermal deformation caused by residual stress in short fiber reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of SAMPE SEICO 14, (2014-3), pp.343-350.
  267. H. Wei, T. Akiyama, H. Lee, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Mechanical properties of recycled carbon fibers reinforced thermoplastics made by card web, Proceedings of SAMPE SEICO 14, (2014-3), pp.198-205.
  268. S. Yamashita, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Structural integrity of carbon fiber reinforced polypropylene after lightning strike, Proceedings of SAMPE SEICO 14, (2014-3), pp.190-197.
  269. 山下慎一郎・大澤勇・髙橋淳, インパルス電流発生装置を用いたCFRTPの被雷時損傷挙動に関する考察, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.40, No.1, (2014-1), pp.17-24.
  270. H. LEE, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Effect of surface treatment of recycled carbon fiber by using plasma, The 5th conference of Systems Innovation, (2013-12).
  271. 山下慎一郎・大澤勇・松尾剛・張昕・髙橋淳, 3点曲げ試験によるCFRTPの縦弾性率および面外せん断弾性率に関する評価, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.39, No.6, (2013-11), pp.221-230.
  272. H. Wei, H. LEE, J. Takahashi and I. Ohsawa, Mechanical properties of carbon fiber mat reinforced thermoplastics made by carbon paper, 13th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE-13), (2013-11).
  273. S. Zheng, S. Yamashita, I. Ohsawa, A. Morita and J. Takahashi, Galvanic corrosion between CFRTP and metal in corrosive environment, 13th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE-13), (2013-11).
  274. K. Hasegawa, K. Suzuki, J. Takahashi and I. Ohsawa, Influence of pre-heating conditions and molding pressure on the mechanical properties of CFRTP, 13th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE-13), (2013-11).
  275. S. Yamashita, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Electrical and thermal properties of chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastics and carbon fiber mat reinforced thermoplastics, 13th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE-13), (2013-11).
  276. Y. Wan, J. Takahashi and I. Ohsawa, Investigation about the springback effect on short fiber reinforced thermoplastics, 13th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE-13), (2013-11).
  277. 大澤勇・髙橋淳, マイクロ・ドロップレット試験とCF/PP界面のせん断強度評価, 強化プラスチックス, Vol.59, No.9, (2013-9), pp.330-336.
  278. Y. Wan, T. Goto, T. Matsuo, J. Takahashi and I. Ohsawa, L-shaped tensile test for determining the minimum radius of CFRTP structure, COMPOSITES WEEK, (2013-9).
  279. S. Yamashita, I. Ohsawa, T. Matsuo, X. Zhang and J. Takahashi, Influence of out-of-plane shear modulus on the estimation of flexural modulus of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics, COMPOSITES WEEK, (2013-9).
  280. 山下慎一郎・大澤勇・松尾剛・髙橋淳, CF/PPのソフトスキン効果に関する研究, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.39, No.5, (2013-9), pp.176-183.
  281. T. Tomioka, K. Uzawa, H. Murayama, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Joint efficiency of multi-point spot ultrasonic welding for CFRTP, Proceedings of the 19th international conference on composite materials, (2013-7), pp.9224-9232.
  282. K. Hasegawa, M. Yamane, K. Suzuki, J. Takahashi and I. Ohsawa, Influence of the impregnation rate and compression molding conditions on the mechanical properties of CFRTP, Proceedings of the 19th international conference on composite materials, (2013-7), pp.9176-9183.
  283. K. Suzuki, I. Ohsawa, J. Takahashi and K. Uzawa, Numerical study on ultrasonic welding joint for CFRTP, Proceedings of the 19th international conference on composite materials, (2013-7), pp.9128-9129.
  284. H. Lee, Y. Ozaki, M. Yamane, J. Takahashi and I. Ohsawa, Effect of plasma surface treatment of recycled carbon fiber on the mechanical properties of recycled CFRP, Proceedings of the 19th international conference on composite materials, (2013-7), pp.8856-8863.
  285. H. Wei, T. Akiyama, H. Lee, M. Yamane, J. Takahashi, I. Ohsawa, T. Murakami and K. Kawabe, Recycling of market CFRP/CFRTP waste for mass production application, Proceedings of the 19th international conference on composite materials, (2013-7), pp.8574-8581.
  286. S. Yamashita, I. Ohsawa, A. Morita and J. Takahashi, Fracture behavior of carbon fiber reinforced polypropylene under artificial lightning strike, Proceedings of the 19th international conference on composite materials, (2013-7), pp.6940-6948.
  287. Y. Sato, J. Takahashi, T. Matsuo, I. Ohsawa, K. Kiriyama and S. Nago, Elastic modulus estimation of chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastics using the Monte Carlo simulation, Proceedings of the 19th international conference on composite materials, (2013-7), pp.6718-6725.
  288. Y. Wan, T. Goto, T. Matsuo, J. Takahashi and I. Ohsawa, Investigation about fracture mode and strength in curved section of carbon fiber reinforced polypropylene, Proceedings of the 19th international conference on composite materials, (2013-7), pp.6695-6702.
  289. Y. Nomura, K. Uzawa, H. Murayama, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Comparison of mechanical properties in welding joint methods of CF/PP, Proceedings of the 19th international conference on composite materials, (2013-7), pp.6685-6694.
  290. N. Mitsui, K. Kageyama, K. Uzawa, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Influence of material flow in compression molding on mechanical properties of discontinuous CF/PP, Proceedings of the 19th international conference on composite materials, (2013-7), pp.5190-5197.
  291. K. Shinohara, K. Uzawa, H. Murayama, J. Takahashi and I. Ohsawa, Fracture mechanism of mechanically fastened CFRTP, Proceedings of the 19th international conference on composite materials, (2013-7), pp.2725-2732.
  292. T. Matsuo, K. Takayama, J. Takahashi, S. Nagoh, K. Kiriyama and T. Hayashi, Design and manufacture of anisotropic hollow beam using thermoplastic composites, Proceedings of the 19th international conference on composite materials, (2013-7), pp.696-703.
  293. S. Yamashita and J. Takahashi, Evaluation of Young's Modulus and Out-of-plane Shear Modulus of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics by Three Point Bending Test, SAMPE 2013, (2013-5).
  294. 富岡知子・鵜澤潔・髙橋淳・村山英晶・大沢勇・松尾剛・野村康智, CFRTPにおける機械的継手の基礎研究, 第4回日本複合材料合同会議講演論文集, No.2B-09, (2013-3).
  295. 野村康智・鵜澤潔・村山英晶・髙橋淳・大沢勇・松尾剛・折戸悠太・富岡知子, 炭素繊維ポリプロピレン複合材料における溶着接合の研究, 第4回日本複合材料合同会議講演論文集, No.2B-07, (2013-3).
  296. 松尾剛・髙橋淳・鵜沢潔・霧山晃平・名合聡, 高速度カメラを用いた炭素繊維チョップドテープ強化熱可塑性樹脂複合材料の衝撃曲げ破壊現象に関する考察, 第37回複合材料シンポジ ウム講演要旨集, (2012-10), pp.139-140.
  297. 佐藤悠・松尾剛・霧山晃平・名合聡・鵜沢潔・髙橋淳, モンテカルロ法を用いた炭素繊維チョップドテープ強化熱可塑性樹脂複合材料の弾性率評価, 第37回複合材料シンポジ ウム講演要旨集, (2012-10), pp.47-48.
  298. 山下慎一郎・大澤勇・森田明保・松尾剛・鵜沢潔・髙橋淳, CF/PPのソフトスキン効果に関する研究, 第37回複合材料シンポジ ウム講演要旨集, (2012-10), pp.43-44.
  299. 後藤壮滋・松尾剛・大澤勇・鵜沢潔・髙橋淳, 湾曲形状のCFRTPにおける破壊モードと強度評価に関する研究, 第37回複合材料シンポジ ウム講演要旨集, (2012-10), pp.29-30.
  300. D. Wada, H. Murayama, K. Kageyama, J. Takahashi, K. Uzawa and H. Igawa, Strain distribution monitoring of CFRTP single-lap ultrasonic welding joint using embedded optical fiber sensor, Proceedings of 15th European conference on composite materials, No.We2.8.4, (2012-6).
  301. K. Goto, K. Uzawa, J. Takahashi, K. Kageyama, H. Murayama, T. Matsuo, M. Yamane and I. Ohsawa, Practical design and evaluation of CFRTP body structures for micro EV, Proceedings of 15th European conference on composite materials, No.Mo3.3.5, (2012-6).
  302. T. Tomioka, K. Uzawa, Y. Nomura, T. Matsuo, M. Yamane, I. Ohsawa, M. Kanai and J. Takahashi, Basic study on mechanically fastened joints of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of 15th European conference on composite materials, No.Mo3.3.4, (2012-6).
  303. Y. Nomura, K. Uzawa, H. Murayama, K. Kageyama, T. Matsuo, M. Yamane, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Basic study on welding joint of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic, Proceedings of 15th European conference on composite materials, No.Mo3.3.3, (2012-6).
  304. M. Yamane, I. Ohsawa, K. Uzawa, T. Matsuo and J. Takahashi, Possibility of Repeated Recycling of CFRTP for Mass Production Automotive Application, Proceedings of 15th European conference on composite materials, No.Mo2.3.5, (2012-6).
  305. S. Yamashita, I. Ohsawa, M. Yamane, T. Matsuo, K. Uzawa and J. Takahashi, Research on soft skin effect of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of 15th European conference on composite materials, No.Mo2.3.4, (2012-6).
  306. X. Zhang, J. Takahashi, T. Matsuo and K. Uzawa, Study on optimal CFRTP automotive BIW structure, Proceedings of 15th European conference on composite materials, No.Mo2.3.3, (2012-6).
  307. K. Suzuki, I. Ohsawa, K. Uzawa, K. Nagata, T. Matsuo, M. Yamane and J. Takahashi, Joint Efficiency of Ultrasonic Welding of CFRTP for Structural Applications, Proceedings of 15th European conference on composite materials, No.Mo2.3.2, (2012-6).
  308. T. Matsuo, J. Takahashi, K. Uzawa and M. Yamane, New design approach for high stiffness and high impact-absorbing structure by carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites, Proceedings of 15th European conference on composite materials, No.Mo2.3.1, (2012-6).
  309. T. Matsuo, J. Takahashi, K. Uzawa, M. Tamaru, T. Asakawa and K. Kiriyama, Investigation about Strain-Rate Dependence of the Flexural Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene, Proceedings of JISSE12, No.AUT-9, (2011-11).
  310. T. Kirihara, T. Kawashima, I. Ohsawa, T. Matsuo, K. Uzawa and J. Takahashi, Recycling of CFRP for Mass Production Application, Proceedings of JISSE12, No.AUT-10, (2011-11).
  311. X. Zhang, T. Goto, J. Takahashi, T. Matsuo and K. Uzawa, Study on Optimal Automotive BIW Structure Made by CFRP , Proceedings of JISSE12, No.STU-7, (2011-11).
  312. D. Wada, H. Murayama, J. Takahashi and K. Uzawa, Strain Distribution Monitoring for CFRTP Single-lap Ultrasonic Welding Joint by Optical Fiber Sensor, Proceedings of JISSE12, No.SHM-4, (2011-11).
  313. K. Takayama, X. Zhang and J. Takahashi, Improving Direction to Reduce Life Cycle Energy Consumption of CFRP Automobile, Proceedings of JISSE12, No.POS-19, (2011-11).
  314. K. Suzuki, K. Uzawa, K. Nagata, T. Matsuo and J. Takahashi, Ultrasonic Welding of CFRTP for Structural Applications, Proceedings of JISSE12, No.POS-18, (2011-11).
  315. T. Kawashima, T. Kirihara, I. Ohsawa, T. Matsuo, K. Uzawa and J. Takahashi, Comparison of Recycling Method of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene for Mass Production Automobile, Proceedings of JISSE12, No.POS-17, (2011-11).
  316. M. Tamaru, T. Kin, I. Ohsawa, T. Matsuo, K. Uzawa and J. Takahashi, Repair of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene for Mass Production Automobile, Proceedings of JISSE12, No.AUT-8, (2011-11).
  317. K. Goto, K. Uzawa, H. Murayama, K. Kageyama, K. Nagata, T. Matsuo and J. Takahashi, An Estimation of the Potential of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics for Car Weight Reduction, Proceedings of JISSE12, No.AUT-7, (2011-11).
  318. Y. Murakami, A. Morita, I. Ohsawa, T. Matsuo, K. Uzawa and J. Takahashi, Thunder Resistance of CFRTP for Automotive Body, Proceedings of JISSE12, No.AUT-4, (2011-11).
  319. T. Goto, K. Uzawa, I. Ohsawa, K. Nagata, T. Matsuo and J. Takahashi, Study on Welding Joint Method for CF/PP, Proceedings of JISSE12, No.AUT-3, (2011-11).
  320. Y. Orito, K. Uzawa, H. Murayama, J. Takahashi, K. Kageyama, T. Matsuo, I. Demachi, I. Ohsawa and M. Kanai, Basic Study on Joint Strength of Welding Joint for Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics, Proceedings of JISSE12, No.AUT-1, (2011-11).
  321. Y. Murakami, A. Morita, J. Takahashi and K. Uzawa, Research on structural integrity of CFRTP after thunder attack, Proceedings of 18th International conference on composite materials, Vol.TH44, No.5, (2011-8), pp.1-4.
  322. K. Uzawa, J. Takahashi, T. Matsuo, Y. Orito, I. Demachi, M. Yamauchi, K. Kageyama, H. Murayama, K. Nagata, T. Asakawa, I. Ohsawa and M. Kanai, Investigation about joint strength of welding and shear property of CFRTP, Proceedings of 18th International conference on composite materials, Vol.TH44, No.4, (2011-8), pp.1-4.
  323. X. Zhang, M. Yamauchi and J. Takahashi, Life cycle assessment of CFRP in application of automobile, Proceedings of 18th International conference on composite materials, Vol.TH44, No.3, (2011-8), pp.1-4.
  324. T. Matsuo, J. Takahashi, K. Uzawa, T. Asakawa and K. Kiriyama, Investigation about dynamic flexural fracture properties of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of 18th International conference on composite materials, Vol.TH44, No.2, (2011-8), pp.1-4.
  325. T. Kirihara, T. Kawashima, K. Uzawa, T. Matsuo and J. Takahashi, Demand and disposal forecast for carbon fibre by bottom-up approach, Proceedings of 18th International conference on composite materials, Vol.TH32, No.6, (2011-8), pp.1-4.
  326. T. Goto, T. Matsuo, K. Uzawa, I. Ohsawa and J. Takahashi, Study on optimal automotive structure made by CFRTP, Proceedings of 18th International conference on composite materials, Vol.TH32, No.5, (2011-8), pp.1-4.
  327. T. Kawashima, I. Ohsawa, J. Takahashi, K. Uzawa and T. Matsuo, Fundamental research on recycling of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of 18th International conference on composite materials, Vol.TH32, No.4, (2011-8), pp.1-4.
  328. M. Tamaru, T. Kin, I. Ohsawa, T. Matsuo, J. Takahashi and K. Uzawa, Fundamental research on repair of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics, Proceedings of 18th International conference on composite materials, Vol.TH32, No.3, (2011-8), pp.1-4.
  329. K. Suzuki, K. Nagata, K. Uzawa, T. Matsuo and J. Takahashi, Research on the jointing method of CFRTP for structural applications, Proceedings of 18th International conference on composite materials, Vol.TH32, No.1, (2011-8), pp.1-4.
  330. Y. Orito, K. Uzawa, H. Murayama, J. Takahashi, K. Kageyama, T. Matsuo, I. Demachi, I. Ohsawa and M. Kanai, Basic study on joint strength of welding for carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic, Proceedings of 18th International conference on composite materials, Vol.M27, No.4, (2011-8), pp.1-5.
  331. T. Matsuo, J. Takahashi, K. Uzawa, T. Goto and X. Zhang, Investigation about light-weight structural design for automobile body using carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites, Proceedings of The 12th Japanese-European Symposium on Composite Materials, Vol.1-3, (2011-8), pp.1-4.
  332. 大澤勇・金正将・髙橋淳・鵜沢潔, 炭素繊維/ポリプロピレン複合材のリペアー性の可能性, 第22回プラスチック成形加工学会年次大会講演論文集, (2011-6), pp.431-432.
  333. 北野彰彦・邉吾一・髙橋淳・岸肇・濱田泰以・佐藤千明, 自動車軽量化炭素繊維複合材料の研究開発, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.37, No.2, (2011-3), pp.70-72.
  334. 松尾剛・髙橋淳・鵜沢潔・村山英晶・鈴木一弥・折戸悠太・出町郁子, サステナブル先進複合材料の開発とその応用技術, 第三回 システム創成学学術講演会 予稿集, (2011-1), pp.114-115.
  335. I. Ohsawa, J. Takahashi and K. Uzawa, Measurement of CF/PP Interfacial Shear Strength using Micro-Droplet Test, Proceedings of Asian Workshop on Polymer Processing 2010, (2010-12), pp.41-44.
  336. J. Takahashi, K. Uzawa and T. Matsuo, Development of CFRTP for Mass Produced Automobile, THE 15TH COMPOSITES DURABILITY WORKSHOP, (2010-10).
  337. 村上裕馬・森田明保・鵜沢潔・髙橋淳, CFRTPの避雷後の構造健全性に関する研究, 第35回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2010-10), pp.215-216.
  338. 田丸雅智・金正将・大澤勇・鵜沢潔・松尾剛・髙橋淳, CFRTPの補修性に関する検討, 第35回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2010-10), pp.85-86.
  339. 後藤壮滋・田丸雅智・髙橋淳, プラグインハイブリッドカーの普及予測に及ぼす車体軽量化の効果, 第35回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2010-10), pp.69-70.
  340. 川島知也・桐原貴大・髙橋淳, CFRP適用対象の環境負荷低減に及ぼす軽量化とリサイクルの効果, 第35回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2010-10), pp.67-68.
  341. 鈴木一弥・鵜沢潔・永田啓一・髙橋淳, FRTPの接合特性と繊維-樹脂界面接着性の影響, 第35回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2010-10), pp.37-38.
  342. T. Matsuo, K. Uzawa, Y. Orito, J. Takahashi, H. Murayama, K. Kageyama, I. Ohsawa and M. Kanai, Investigation about Shear Strength at Welding Area of the Single-Lap Joint and the Scarf Joint for Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics, American Society for Composites - 25th Annual Technical Conference, (2010-9).
  343. T. Matsuo, J. Takahashi, K. Uzawa and I. Ohsawa, Development of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic for Mass Produced Automobile, Science and Technology of Structural Materials for Global Secureness and Sustainability, (2010-6).
  344. 鵜沢潔・村山英晶・折戸悠太・髙橋淳・影山和朗・大澤勇・金井誠, 熱可塑性樹脂複合材料の溶着接合技術に関する基礎検討 , 第1回 日本複合材料合同会議講演前刷集, (2010-3), pp.412-413.
  345. 田丸雅智・桐原貴大・中居寛明・髙橋淳・鵜沢潔, PHEVの普及と環境負荷低減への車体軽量化の効果, 第二回システム創成学学術講演会, (2009-12).
  346. K. Suzuki, K. Uzawa, K. Nagata and J. Takahashi, RESEARCH ON THE JOINTING METHOD OF FRTP FOR STRUCTURAL APPLICATIONS, Proceedings of 11th Japan International SAMPE Symposium, No.AMC-2-4, (2009-11), pp.1-6.
  347. M. Yamauchi, Y. Kan, I. Ohsawa, K. Uzawa and J. Takahashi, IMPROVEMENT OF INTERFACIAL SHEAR STRENGTH BETWEEN CARBON FIBER AND POLYPROPYLENE, Proceedings of 11th Japan International SAMPE Symposium, No.AMC-2-1, (2009-11), pp.1-6.
  348. Y. Murakami, A. Morita, K. Uzawa and J. Takahashi, RESEARCH ON THUNDER RESISTANCE OF CFRTP, Proceedings of 11th Japan International SAMPE Symposium, No.AMC-1-3, (2009-11), pp.1-6.
  349. T. Kin, H. Koyama, K. Uzawa, J. Takahashi and A. Morita, STRUCTURAL STUDY OF CFRTP AUTOMOBILE BONNET FOR PEDESTRIAN SAFETY, Proceedings of 11th Japan International SAMPE Symposium, No.AMC-1-2, (2009-11), pp.1-6.
  350. M. Tamaru, H. Nakai, T. Kirihara, K. Uzawa and J. Takahashi, EFFECT OF WEIGHT REDUCTION BY CFRP ON PENETRATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF PLUG-IN HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLES (PHEV), Proceedings of 11th Japan International SAMPE Symposium, No.AMC-1-1, (2009-11), pp.1-6.
  351. 大澤勇・髙橋淳・鵜沢潔, マイクロ・ドロップレット法によるCF/PP界面せん断強度の評価, 54th FRP CON-EX2009 講演会, (2009-10).
  352. 菊田晋介・鈴木英之・髙橋淳・鵜沢潔, 複合材料製ライザー管の継手構造に関する研究, 第34回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2009-9), pp.137-138.
  353. 金正将・小山洋・鵜沢潔・髙橋淳・森田明保, 歩行者に優しいCFRTP製自動車ボンネットの構造最適化, 第34回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2009-9), pp.135-136.
  354. 佐藤慶子・田丸雅智・髙橋淳・鵜沢潔, CFRPを用いた車体軽量化プラグインハイブリッドコミュータバスの検討, 第34回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2009-9), pp.133-134.
  355. 山内美穂・菅康博・大澤勇・鵜沢潔・髙橋淳, CFRTPの界面接着性の改善に関する研究, 第34回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2009-9), pp.129-130.
  356. 村上裕馬・森田明保・鵜沢潔・髙橋淳, CFRTPの耐雷性に関する研究, 第34回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2009-9), pp.125-126.
  357. 鈴木一弥・鵜沢潔・永田啓一・髙橋淳, 構造部材としてのFRTPの接合方法に関する研究, 第34回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2009-9), pp.121-122.
  358. 田丸雅智・中居寛明・桐原貴大・髙橋淳, プラグインハイブリッドカーの普及と環境負荷低減への車体軽量化の効果, 第34回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2009-9), pp.41-42.
  359. K. Uzawa, J. Takahashi, K. Kageyama, H. Uno, T. Okazumi and I. Ohsawa, Improvement in the impact energy absorption of recycled CFRP, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Composite Materials, No.A3.11, (2009-7), pp.1-10.
  360. J. Takahashi, H. Koyama, R. Shida and K. Uzawa, Proposal of CFRTP automobile bonnet for pedestrian safety, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Composite Materials, No.A3.10, (2009-7), pp.1-10.
  361. 山内美穂・髙橋淳, LCAに基づく電気自動車用構造材料の検討, エコデザイン2008講演論文集, No.C21-3, (2008-12).
  362. 金正将・菊田晋介・鵜沢潔・髙橋淳, 車体軽量化と車載太陽光発電による電気自動車の電池負担軽減効果, エコデザイン2008講演論文集, No.C21-2, (2008-12).
  363. 佐藤慶子・志田龍亮・鵜沢潔・髙橋淳, 電気バスによる低環境負荷社会システムの検討, エコデザイン2008講演論文集, No.C21-1, (2008-12).
  364. 宇野秀和・大沢勇・髙橋淳, 構造材料のライフサイクル環境負荷低減のための複合材料のハイブリッド化に関する研究, 第33回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2008-10), pp.197-198.
  365. 菅康博・大沢勇・髙橋淳, CFRTPの界面接着性に関する研究, 第33回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2008-10), pp.179-180.
  366. 小山洋・志田龍亮・鵜沢潔・大沢勇・森田明保・髙橋淳, CFRTPによる衝突安全自動車ボディの検討, 第33回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2008-10), pp.79-80.
  367. 金正将・菊田晋介・鵜沢潔・髙橋淳, 電気自動車による交通の脱石油のための軽量CFRPボディの効果, 第33回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2008-10), pp.77-78.
  368. 山内美穂・髙橋淳, 自動車の脱化石資源化に向けた複合材料部材の環境負荷分析, 第33回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2008-10), pp.71-72.
  369. 佐藤慶子・志田龍亮・鵜沢潔・髙橋淳, CFRPを用いた車体軽量化電気コミュータバスの検討, 第33回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2008-10), pp.69-70.
  370. 山口晃司・髙橋淳・松久要治・山内美穂・佐藤慶子, 自動車材料置換に伴う環境負荷低減効果の定量化, 自動車技術会 2008年秋季大会 学術講演会前刷集, No.100-08, (2008-10), pp.1-4.
  371. K. Yamaguchi, J. Takahashi, Y. Matsuhisa, M. Yamauchi and K. Sato, Reducing CO2 emission and saving energy consumption by lightening weight of automobiles and airplanes using CFRP, Proceedings of the 11th Japanese-European Symposium on Composite Materials, (2008-9), pp.1-2.
  372. J. Takahashi, R. Shida, H. Koyama and K. Uzawa, Structural Design of CFRP Automobile Bonnet for Pedestrian Safety, Proceedings of the 11th Japanese-European Symposium on Composite Materials, (2008-9), pp.1-4.
  373. 大澤勇・髙橋淳・鵜沢潔・芦田哲郎・柴田勝司, リサイクル炭素繊維を用いた一方向CF/Epoxyの再成形と曲げ特性評価および圧縮、層間せん断特性, 強化プラスチックス, Vol.54, No.7, (2008-7), pp.285-291.
  374. I. Ohsawa, J. Takahashi, K. Uzawa, M. Kanai, H. Murayama and K. Kageyama, Tensile Properties of Washi-paper Reinforced Polylactic Acid (PLA) as a Green Composites, Proceedings of 10th Japan International SAMPE Symposium, No.GC2-2, (2007-11), pp.1-6.
  375. H. Koyama, T. Ando, T. Okazumi, I. Ohsawa, K. Uzawa and J. Takahashi, Influence of the Pretreatment on the Mechanical Properties of the Recycled CFRP, Proceedings of 10th Japan International SAMPE Symposium, No.AMC3-5, (2007-11), pp.1-6.
  376. H. Uno, T. Okazumi, I. Ohsawa, K. Uzawa, J. Takahashi, K. Yamaguchi and A. Kitano, Mechanical Properties of CFRP after Repeating Recycling by Injection Molding Method, Proceedings of 10th Japan International SAMPE Symposium, No.AMC3-4, (2007-11), pp.1-6
  377. Y. Kan, R. Shida, J. Takahashi and K. Uzawa, Energy Saving Effect of Light-weight Electric Vehicle Using CFRP on Transportation Sector, Proceedings of 10th Japan International SAMPE Symposium, No.AMC3-3, (2007-11), pp.1-6
  378. R. Shida, K. Uzawa, I. Ohsawa, A. Morita and J. Takahashi, Structural Design of CFRP Automobile Body for Pedestrian Safety, Proceedings of 10th Japan International SAMPE Symposium, No.AMC1-3, (2007-11), pp.1-4.
  379. K. Satoh, R. Shida, Y. Kan, J. Takahashi and K. Uzawa, Proposal of Commuter Bus Using CFRP for Sustainable Transportation, Proceedings of 10th Japan International SAMPE Symposium, No.PS14, (2007-11), pp.1-4.
  380. T. Okazumi, I. Ohsawa, K. Uzawa and J. Takahashi, Improvement of the Mechanical Properties of Recycled CFRP, Proceedings of 10th Japan International SAMPE Symposium, No.PS13, (2007-11), pp.1-6
  381. D. Suzuki, J. Takahashi, K. Kageyama, K. Uzawa and I. Ohsawa, Purpose and Target of the Development of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics, Proceedings of 10th Japan International SAMPE Symposium, No.PS11, (2007-11), pp.1-6.
  382. 大澤勇・髙橋淳・鵜沢潔・芦田哲朗・柴田勝司, リサイクル炭素繊維を用いたUD-CF/Epoxyの再成形と曲げ特性評価, 52nd FRP CON-EX 2007 講演要旨集, No.A-25, (2007-11), pp.1-2.
  383. J. Takahashi, N. Matsutsuka, T. Okazumi, K. Uzawa, I. Ohsawa, K. Yamaguchi and A. Kitano, Mechanical properties of recycled CFRP by injection molding method, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Composite Materials (Abstract, pp.1184-1185), No.FrFA2-02, (2007-7), pp.1-6.
  384. 上迫大介・大沢勇・髙橋淳, グリーンコンポジットによる既存材料の代替可能性, 第31回複合材料シンポジウム講演要旨集, (2006-10), pp.9-10.
  385. J. Takahashi, K. Uzawa, I. Ohsawa, N. Matsutsuka, A. Kitano and K. Nagata, Mechanical properties of injection molded CFRTP by using recycled CFRP, The 10th Japanese-European Symposium on Composite Materials, (2006-9), pp.8-11.
  386. J. Takahashi, K. Uzawa, I. Ohsawa, N. Matsutsuka, A. Kitano and K. Nagata, Applicability of recycled CFRP to secondary parts of automobile, Proceedings of the 12th US-Japan Conference on Composite Materials, (2006-9), pp.398-410.
  387. 圖子博昭・田村学・大澤勇・鵜沢潔・髙橋淳・安田浩, 炭素繊維一方向強化ポリプロピレンの力学特性評価, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.32, No.4, (2006-7), pp.153-162.
  388. 種市伸彦・喜多津正也・稲垣由江・髙橋淳・鵜沢潔, FRP製のコンテナ構成部材及びそれを用いた軽量コンテナ, 特願2006-005366, (2006-1).
  389. N. Matsutsuka, J. Takahashi, H. Zushi, I. Ohsawa and K. Uzawa, Evaluation of recycled CFRTP for mass production applications, Proceedings of 9th Japan International SAMPE Symposium, (2005-11), pp.50-55.
  390. R. Fukui, T. Odai, H. Zushi, I. Ohsawa, K. Uzawa and J. Takahashi, Recycle of carbon fiber reinforced plastics for automotive application, Proceedings of 9th Japan International SAMPE Symposium, (2005-11), pp.44-49.
  391. H. Zushi, I. Ohsawa, M. Kanai, K. Uzawa and J. Takahashi, Fatigue behavior of unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced polypropylene, Proceedings of 9th Japan International SAMPE Symposium, (2005-11), pp.26-31.
  392. M. Yamamoto, M. Kan, K. Uzawa and J. Takahashi, Proposal of a local circulation bus made by CFRP, Proceedings of 9th Japan International SAMPE Symposium, (2005-11), pp.20-25.
  393. T. Suzuki and J. Takahashi, Prediction of energy intensity of carbon fiber reinforced plastics for mass-produced passenger cars, Proceedings of 9th Japan International SAMPE Symposium, (2005-11), pp.14-19.
  394. R. Shida, K. Tsumuraya, S. Nakatsuka and J. Takahashi, Effect of automobile lightening by CFRP on the world energy saving, Proceedings of 9th Japan International SAMPE Symposium, (2005-11), pp.8-13.
  395. 圖子博昭・大沢勇・鵜沢潔・髙橋淳, CF/PPシートプレースメント法によるCFRPPの補強, 第30回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2005-10), pp.231-232.
  396. 芦田哲郎・菅満春・山本道隆・鵜沢潔・髙橋淳, CFRPを用いた低環境負荷コミュータバスの構造設計, 第30回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2005-10), pp.227-228.
  397. 円谷晃司・鵜沢潔・鈴木徹也・山本道隆・髙橋淳, コンテナ軽量化による貨物輸送の環境負荷低減効果, 第30回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2005-10), pp.225-226.
  398. 松塚展国・髙橋淳・圖子博昭・大沢勇・鵜沢潔, 炭素繊維強化プラスチックスのクローズドリサイクルの各段階における力学特性評価, 第30回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2005-10), pp.223-224.
  399. 福井良平・尾台竜也・圖子博昭・大沢勇・鵜沢潔・髙橋淳, 廃棄CFRPのリサイクル性評価, 第30回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2005-10), pp.221-222.
  400. 山本道隆・圖子博昭・大沢勇・鵜沢潔・金井誠・髙橋淳, CF/ABSの衝撃吸収能力向上に関する研究(第1報:種々のCFRPの力学特性比較), 第30回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2005-10), pp.153-154.
  401. T. Suzuki, M. Kan, M. Yamamoto, K. Uzawa, J. Takahashi and J. Kasai, Structural Analysis and LCA of Lightened Buses by Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics, Advances in Ecomaterials (Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT2005)), Stallion Press, Vol. 2, pp.634-639.
  402. H. Zushi, D. Shiozawa, I. Ohsawa, K. Uzawa and J. Takahashi, Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Recycled CFRP Reinforced by Thin CF/PP Sheets, Advances in Ecomaterials (Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT2005)), Stallion Press, Vol. 2, pp.512-519.
  403. H. Zushi, T. Odai, I. Ohsawa, K. Uzawa and J. Takahashi, Mechanical Properties of CFRP and CFRTP After Recycling, Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-15), (2005-6), pp.1-10.
  404. T. Suzuki and J. Takahashi, LCA of Lightweight Vehicles by Using CFRP for Mass-produced Vehicles, Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-15), (2005-6), pp.1-4.
  405. T. Suzuki, T. Odai, R. Fukiu and J. Takahashi, LCA of Passenger Vehicles Lightened by Recyclable Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics, Proceedings of International Conference on LCA 2005, (2005-4), pp.1-3.
  406. 圖子博昭・田村学・大澤勇・鵜沢潔・金井誠・髙橋淳・安田浩, 炭素繊維強化ポリプロピレンの力学特性の改善, 第29回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2004-10), pp.211-212.
  407. 中塚史紀・鈴木徹也・髙橋淳, CFRPによる車両重量軽量化の環境負荷低減効果, 第29回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2004-10), pp.201-202.
  408. 福井良平・浅井聡子・森本晋介・折口壮志・大澤勇・鵜沢潔・髙橋淳・上保徳彦, 環境調和型複合材料の社会受容性評価, 第29回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2004-10), pp.199-200.
  409. 尾台竜也・圖子博昭・大澤勇・鵜沢潔・髙橋淳, CFRP破砕材を利用したCFRPリサイクルの提案, 第29回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2004-10), pp.197-198.
  410. 鈴木徹也・菅満春・髙橋淳, 量産車用CFRPによる軽量乗用車のLCA, 第29回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2004-10), pp.195-196.
  411. 菅満春・鵜沢潔・髙橋淳・上保徳彦, CFRP製IsoTrussの基本特性, 第29回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2004-10), pp.95-96.
  412. 山本道隆・田上友之・菅満春・鈴木徹也・鵜沢潔・髙橋淳・河西純一, CFRPを用いた低環境負荷コミュータバスの提案, 第29回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2004-10), pp.71-72.
  413. T. Suzuki, M. Kan, S. Nakatsuka, J. Takahashi and J. Kasai, Effects on Reduction of Environmental Loads from Transport Sector by Low-Environmental-Loads Commuter Buses, Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on EcoBalance, (2004-10), pp.579-582.
  414. M. Kawai, T. Kazama, Y. Masuko, H. Tsuda, J. Takahashi and K. Kemmochi, Stress Relaxation Behavior of Unidirectional CFRP at Elevated Temperature and Analysis Using a Viscoplasticity Model, JSME International Journal Series A, Vol.47, No.1, (2004-1), pp.8-16.
  415. (Poster Award on EcoDesign2003) H. Zushi, S. Sawada, T. Suzuki, T. Origuchi and J. Takahashi, Effect of Lightened Automobiles on the Environmental Problem due to Asian Motorization, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, (2003-12), pp. 473-476.
  416. T. Suzuki, T. Fukuyama, H. Zushi, T. Origuchi and J. Takahashi, Evaluation of Effects of Lightening Trucks on Environment by LCA, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, (2003-12), pp. 344-347.
  417. 島田明佳・卜部啓・鴻上雅典・髙橋淳・影山和郎, 水資源海上輸送用ウォーターバッグの損傷モニタリング, 構造物の安全性および信頼性 vol. 5, JCOSSAR2003 論文集 (2003-11), pp. 639-644.
  418. 島田明佳・村山英晶・卜部啓・菊島義弘・髙橋淳・影山和郎, FBGセンサを用いた複数振動モード解析に基づくボルト欠落位置の同定, 構造物の安全性および信頼性 vol. 5, JCOSSAR2003 論文集 (2003-11), pp. 605-610.
  419. 月森隆雄・髙橋淳・大澤勇・金井誠・鵜沢潔, 炭素繊維強化ポリプロピレンのリサイクル性評価, 第48回FRP CON-EX 2003 講演要旨集, (2003-10), pp.116-117.
  420. 圖子博昭・田村学・髙橋淳・大澤勇・金井誠・鵜沢潔, 不連続炭素繊維強化ポリカーボネートの簡易プリフォーム法, 第48回FRP CON-EX 2003 講演要旨集, (2003-10), pp.114-115.
  421. 田村学・髙橋淳・大澤勇・金井誠・鵜沢潔・田原正夫, 炭素繊維強化ポリプロピレンにおける界面改質効果, 第48回FRP CON-EX 2003 講演要旨集, (2003-10), pp.111-113.
  422. 鈴木徹也・髙橋淳・河西純一, CFRPによる軽量化バスのLCA, 第48回FRP CON-EX 2003 講演要旨集, (2003-10), pp.72-73.
  423. 中塚史紀・圖子博昭・髙橋淳, 地球環境問題対策としてのCFRPによる軽量化自動車開発の必要性, 第48回FRP CON-EX 2003 講演要旨集, (2003-10), pp.69-71.
  424. 尾台竜也・鈴木徹也・髙橋淳, ライフサイクルインベントリ分析による量産車用CFRPの原単位予測, 第48回FRP CON-EX 2003 講演要旨集, (2003-10), pp.66-68.
  425. 森本晋介・菅満春・折口壮志・髙橋淳・大澤勇・金井誠・鵜沢潔, 天然繊維を用いた環境調和型複合材料の創成, 第48回FRP CON-EX 2003 講演要旨集, (2003-10), pp.47-48.
  426. 鈴木徹也・福山哲士・圖子博昭・折口壮志・髙橋淳, CFRPによる軽量化トラックのLCA, 日本複合材料学会2003年度研究発表講演会予稿集, (2003-5), pp.83-84.
  427. 圖子博昭・澤田真一・鈴木徹也・折口壮志・髙橋淳, CFRPによる軽量化乗用車の長期的環境エネルギー問題対策効果, 日本複合材料学会2003年度研究発表講演会予稿集, (2003-5), pp.81-82.
  428. 小島工・髙橋淳・松島克守, インバース生産における市民参加型屋台生産モデル, ビジネスモデル学会, (2003-3), pp.16-25.
  429. A. Shimada, K. Urabe, Y. Kikushima, H. Murayam, J. Takahashi and K. Kageyama, Detection of missing fastener based on vibration mode analysis using fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5056, (2003-3), pp. 312-318.
  430. H. Zushi, J. Takahashi, K. Kageyama, H. Murayama, H. Nagai and J. Matsui, Life Cycle Assessment and Long Term CO2 Reduction Estimation of Ultra Lightweight Vehicles Using CFRP, Progress in Experimental and Computational Mechanics in Engineering, Key Engineering Materials, Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Vol. 243-244, (2003-2), pp.45-50.
  431. 島田明佳・卜部啓・菊島義弘・髙橋淳・影山和郎, スマートボードの開発-FBGセンサを用いた複数振動モード解析に基づくボルト欠落の検出-, 第4回「知的材料・構造システム」シンポジウム講演集, (2003-1), pp.95-99.
  432. H. Nagai, J. Takahashi, T. Maruyama, K. Masui, T. Sakao and A. Inaba, Quality Function Deployment for Environment: QFDE -Application to Chemical Industries, Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on EcoBalance, (2002-12), pp.535-536.
  433. J. Takahashi, H. Zushi, T. Suzuki, H. Nagai, K. Kageyama and H. Yoshinari, Life Cycle Assessment of Ultra Lightweight Vehicles Using CFRP, Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on EcoBalance, (2002-12), pp.259-262.
  434. 永井英幹・髙橋淳・剱持潔・松井醇一, CFRP製造廃棄の環境調和性分析, 日本機械学会2002年度年次大会講演論文集 (II), (2002-9), pp.283-284.
  435. 鈴木徹也・手柴富美・圖子博昭・髙橋淳・影山和郎・吉成仁志, CFRP軽量車のLCA, 日本機械学会2002年度年次大会講演論文集 (II), (2002-9), pp.281-282.
  436. 長岡悟・圖子博昭・髙橋淳・吉成仁志・影山和郎, CFRPによる軽量乗用車の社会受容性評価(コストと3R性の観点から), 日本機械学会2002年度年次大会講演論文集 (II), (2002-9), pp.275-276.
  437. 圖子博昭・髙橋淳・影山和郎・吉成仁志, CFRPによる超軽量乗用車の実現可能性-走行時のCO2排出抑制と省エネ効果の長期予測-, 日本機械学会2002年度年次大会講演論文集 (II), (2002-9), pp.273-274.
  438. 髙橋淳・圖子博昭・影山和郎・吉成仁志, 地球温暖化対策としての乗用車軽量化の効果と材料研究の役割, 日本機械学会2002年度年次大会講演論文集 (II), (2002-9), pp.271-272.
  439. H. Zushi, J. Takahashi, K. Kageyama, H. Murayama, H. Nagai and J. Matsui, Life Cycle Assessment and Long Term CO2 Reduction Estimation of Ultra Lightweight Vehicles Using CFRP, International Conference on Experimental and Computational Mechanics in Engineering, (2002-8).
  440. 卜部啓・津田浩・岡部朋永・髙橋淳・剱持潔, 炭素繊維の電磁波伝送特性を利用した樹脂含浸・硬化状態検出, 第3回知的材料・構造システムシンポジウム講演集, (2002-1), pp.79-82.
  441. G. Chollon, O. Siron, J. Takahashi, H. Yamauchi, K. Maeda and K. Kosaka, Microstructure And Mechanical Properties Of Coal Tar Pitch-Based 2D-C/C Composites With A Filler Addition, Carbon, Vol.39, No.13, (2001-11), pp. 2065-2075.
  442. K. Urabe, H. Tsuda, J. Takahashi and K. Kemmochi, Monitoring of Resin Flow and Cure by Time Domain Response from an Electromagnetic Wave Transmission Line, Materials Science Research International, Special Technical Publication, Japan Society of Materials Science, Vol.2, (2001-5), pp.95-99.
  443. H. Nagai, J. Takahashi, K. Kemmochi and J. Matsui, ''Inventory analysis in production and recycling process of advanced composite materials'', Journal of Advanced Science, Society of Advanced Science, Vol.13, No.3, (2001-2), pp.125-128.
  444. 卜部啓・髙橋淳・津田浩・剱持潔, 電磁波伝送線路の時間領域応答特性による樹脂含浸・硬化状態検出, 第2回知的材料・構造システムシンポジウム講演集, (2000-12), pp.13-16.
  445. 卜部啓・髙橋淳・津田浩・剱持潔, 電磁波伝送特性による樹脂含浸・硬化状態検出, 日本非破壊検査協会平成12年度第2回電場計測応用研究会, (2000-11).
  446. H. Nagai, J. Takahashi, K. Kemmochi and J. Matsui, Inventory Analysis of Composite Materials, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on EcoBalance, (2000-11), pp.679-682.
  447. 永井英幹・髙橋淳・剱持潔, CFRPにおけるライフサイクルアセスメント(製造プロセスインベントリ分析), 第45回FRP CON-EX 2000 講演要旨集, 強化プラスチック協会, (2000-10), pp.11-12.
  448. 河井昌道・益子誉一・風間剛・津田浩・髙橋淳・剱持潔, 炭素繊維アングルプライ積層板の高温における応力リラクセーション挙動, 日本機械学会M&M2000材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, (2000-10).
  449. 卜部啓・髙橋淳・津田浩・剱持潔, 炭素繊維の電磁波伝送特性による樹脂含浸・硬化状態検出, 第25回複合材料シンポジウム講演論文集, (2000-10), pp.171-172.
  450. H. Fukuda, G. Itohiya, J. Watanabe, J. Takahashi and K. Kemmochi, The influence of thermal shock on inter-laminar shearing strength of woven C/C composites, Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.9, No.2, (2000-9), pp.145-159.
  451. K. Urabe, J. Takahashi, H. Tsuda and K. Kemmochi, Cure Monitoring of Matrix Resin with High-Frequency Electromagnetic Wave Transmission Line, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol.19, No.15, (2000-8), pp.1235-1250.
  452. 津田浩・武田真一・卜部啓・髙橋淳・岸輝雄, Michelson光干渉計型光ファイバセンサを用いたCFRPの衝撃損傷検出, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.26, No.4, (2000-7), pp.121-129.
  453. 永井英幹・髙橋淳・剱持潔・松井醇一・酒井信介, 高分子系先進複合材料におけるエネルギーインベントリー分析, 物質工学工業技術研究所報告, Vol.8, No.4, (2000-7), pp.161-169.
  454. 卜部啓・髙橋淳・津田浩・剱持潔, 電磁波伝送線路を利用した樹脂含浸・硬化状態検出, 第7回新素材及びその製品の非破壊評価シンポジウム講演集, (2000-6), pp.43-48.
  455. 卜部啓・髙橋淳・津田浩・剱持潔, 電磁波伝送線路の反射特性による樹脂含浸状態検出, 第29回FRPシンポジウム講演論文集, (2000-3), pp.285-286.
  456. 永井英幹・髙橋淳・剱持潔・松井醇一・酒井信介, CFRPにおけるライフサイクルアセスメント(環境負荷データの推定およびその感度分析), 第29回FRPシンポジウム講演論文集, (2000-3), pp.229-232.
  457. H. Tsuda, S. Takeda, K. Urabe and J. Takahashi, Impact Damage Detection of Fiber-reinforced Plastics Using Michelson Interferometric Fiber-optic Sensors, Proceedings of the 3rd Joint Canada-Japan Workshop on Composites, (2000-3), pp.190-197.
  458. 剣持潔・吉田均・安本勝哉・高柳寛司・夏明・髙橋淳・津田浩・永井英幹, 地熱発電パイプラインのスケールフリーに関する研究, 第5回エネルギー総合推進会議・地熱分科会, (2000-2).
  459. H. Tsuda, S. Takeda, J. Takahashi and K. Urabe, Response of Michelson Interferometric Fiber-Optic Sensors to Impact Loading, Journal of Material Science Letter, Vol.19, No.1, (2000-1), pp.1-2.
  460. J. Takahashi, M. Nomura, H. Tsuda, K. Kemmochi, H. Fukuda, L. Ye and Y. Mai, A Loop Type Fiber Optic Sensor and Its Application in Bearing Failure Monitoring of Composite Materials, Proceedings of International Workshop on Fracture Mechanics and Advanced Engineering Materials, (1999-12), pp.319-325.
  461. 卜部啓・髙橋淳・津田浩・剱持潔, 高周波電磁波伝送線路による樹脂硬化モニタ, 第1回知的材料・構造システムシンポジウム講演集, (1999-12), pp.83-86.
  462. 武田真一・津田浩・髙橋淳・剱持潔・福田博, 光干渉計型光ファイバセンサによるCFRPの衝撃損傷モニタリング, 第24回複合材料シンポジウム講演要旨集, (1999-11), pp.25-26.
  463. 諏訪浩史・髙橋淳・剱持潔, 多重織物3D複合材料の層間特性, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.25, No.6, (1999-11), pp.219-224.
  464. K. Kemmochi, H. Tsuda, H. Nagai, K. Urabe and J. Takahashi, Environmentally Conscious Smart Composites By Bionic Design, Proceedings of the 6h Japan International SAMPE Symposium, (1999-10), pp.1059-1064.
  465. K. Urabe, J. Takahashi, H. Tsuda and K. Kemmochi, Cure Monitoring of Matrix Resin with High-Frequency Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Line, Proceedings of the 6h Japan International SAMPE Symposium, (1999-10), pp.1029-1032.
  466. M. Kawai, T. Kazama, H. Tsuda, J. Takahashi and K. Kemmochi, Off-axis Tensile Creep Behavior of Unidirectional T800H/Epoxy At High Temperature, Proceedings of the 6h Japan International SAMPE Symposium, (1999-10), pp.81-84.
  467. 永井英幹・髙橋淳・剱持潔・松井醇一, CFRPにおけるインベントリ分析(炭素繊維のインベントリーデータ), 第44回FRP CON-EX '99 講演要旨集, No.A-7, (1999-10), pp.1-2.
  468. H. Tsuda, J. Takahashi, K. Urabe and T. Ikeguchi, Damage Monitoring of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Plastics with Michelson Interferometric Fiber-Optic Sensors, Journal of Material Science, Vol.34, No.17, (1999-9), pp.4163-4172.
  469. K. Kemmochi, H. Takayanagi, T. Hamada, J. Takahashi, H. Tsuda, H. Nagai, C. Nagasawa and H. Fukuda, Durability Estimation of Carbon/Polytetrafluoroethylene Composites for Hydraulic Downhole Motor, Recent Developments in Durability Analysis of Composite Systems, Ed. by A. H. Carcon, H. Fukuda, K. L. Reifsnider and G. Verchery, (1999-7), pp.429-433.
  470. K. Kemmochi, H. Tsuda, H. Nagai and J. Takahashi, Study on Environmentally Conscious Smart Composites , Proceedings of the 7th Euro-Japan Symposium on Composite Materials and Transportation, (1999-7).
  471. H. Nagai, J. Takahashi, K. Kemmochi, J. Matsui and S. Sakai, Sensitivity Analysis in Life Cycle Assessment of CFRP -- Application on Polymer Production Process --, Proceedings of the 7th Euro-Japan Symposium on Composite Materials and Transportation, (1999-7).
  472. G. Chollon and J. Takahashi, Raman Microspectroscopy Study of a C/C Composite, Composites Part A, Vol.30, No.4, (1999-4), pp.507-513.
  473. 卜部啓・髙橋淳・津田浩・剱持潔, 高周波電磁波伝搬特性による樹脂物性変化検出, 第28回FRPシンポジウム講演論文集, (1999-3), pp.343-344.
  474. 永井英幹・髙橋淳・剱持潔・松井醇一・酒井信介, 高分子系複合材料におけるLCA(原料樹脂のCO2,エネルギー感度解析), 第28回FRPシンポジウム講演論文集, (1999-3), pp.67-70.
  475. 髙橋淳・野村正人・津田浩・剱持潔・福田博, 曲げ損失を利用する光ファイバセンサの基礎光学特性, 日本機械学会論文集(A編), Vol.65, No.629, (1999-1), pp.106-112.
  476. 永井英幹・髙橋淳・剱持潔・松井醇一・酒井信介, WWWを利用した高分子系複合材料のLCA(強度による材料選択および素材の環境負荷感度解析), 材料システム, Vol.17, (1998-12), pp.13-20.
  477. 永井英幹・髙橋淳・剱持潔・松井醇一, FRPのライフサイクルアセスメント(LCA)(樹脂におけるCO2感度解析), 第43回FRP CON-EX '98 講演要旨集, (1998-11), pp.6-7.
  478. H. Nagai, J. Takahashi, K. Kemmochi and J. Matsui, Estimation of Equivalent Energy of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics, Proceedings of The Third International Conference on EcoBalance, (1998-11), pp.441-444.
  479. 髙橋淳・武田真一・大岩功佳・津田浩・剱持潔・福田博, 光ファイバ強化複合材料の強度特性, 日本機械学会材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, Vol.A, No.98-5, (1998-11), pp.421-422.
  480. 髙橋淳・武田真一・大岩功佳・津田浩・剱持潔・福田博, 知的複合材料に用いる光ファイバセンサの強度特性, 日本機械学会材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, Vol.A, No.98-5, (1998-11), pp.419-420.
  481. 山雄剛俊・田中基嗣・北條正樹・落合庄治郎・澤田吉裕・髙橋淳, 平織C/C複合材料の破壊プロセスの観察及びシミュレーション, 日本機械学会材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, Vol.A, No.98-5, (1998-11), pp.417-418.
  482. G. Chollon and J. Takahashi, La Microspectroscopie Raman Appliquee aux Composites C/C, Comptes-Rendus des 11iemes Journees Nationales sur les Composites (JNC-11), (1998-11), pp.777-785.
  483. H. Yamauchi, G. Chollon, K. Maeda, K. Kosaka and J. Takahashi, Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of 2D Coal-Tar Pitch-Based C/C Composites with a Filler Addition, Proceedings of International Symposium on Carbon, 1998, (1998-11), pp.264-265.
  484. M. Hojo, M. Yatomi, M. Tanaka, S. Ochiai, Y. Sawada and J. Takahashi, Effect of Heat-Treatment Temperature on Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of C/C Composites, International Symposium on Carbon, 1998, (1998-11), pp.262-263.
  485. 永井英幹・髙橋淳・奥田斂・西村良弘・剱持潔・松井醇一, 炭素繊維強化プラスチックにおけるライフサイクルアセスメントーエネルギー原単位の試算ー, 平成10年度物質工学工業技術研究所研究発表会「エネルギー技術における物質工学」資料, (1998-10), pp.145-146.
  486. K. Urabe, J. Takahashi, H. Tsuda and K. Kemmochi, Nondestructive Testing of Composites by High-frequency Electromagnetic Method, and a View to Apply to the Smart Materials and Systems, US/Japan Workshop on Collaboration in Materials Research, (1998-10), pp.35-36.
  487. 津田浩・髙橋淳・卜部啓・剣持潔, 光干渉計型光ファイバセンサによる材料損傷の検出, 平成10年度機械・航空・宇宙総合推進会議資料, (1998-9), pp.81-82.
  488. H. Fukuda, G. Itohiya, J. Watanabe, J. Takahashi and K. Kemmochi, Effect of Thermal Shock on the Interlaminar Shearing Strength of Woven C/C Composites, Proceedings of the Eights Japan-US Conference on Composite Materials, (1998-9), pp.427-436.
  489. 弥富政亨・北條正樹・田中基嗣・落合庄治郎・澤田吉裕・髙橋淳, C/C複合材料の破壊機構に及ぼす熱処理温度の影響, 材料, Vol.47, No.9, (1998-9), pp.939-945.
  490. 福田博・糸日谷剛・渡辺淳・髙橋淳・剱持潔, 織物C/C複合材料の層間せん断強さに及ぼす熱衝撃の影響, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.24, No.5, (1998-9), pp.183-191.
  491. 津田浩・髙橋淳・永井英幹・剱持潔, 平織りC/C複合材料の面圧破壊挙動, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.24, No.4, (1998-7), pp.137-143.
  492. 永井英幹・髙橋淳・剱持潔・松井醇一, 高分子系複合材料へのLCAの適用(CFRPのエネルギー原単位の試算), 強化プラスチックス, Vol.44, No.6, (1998-6), pp.230-236.
  493. 津田浩・池口貴信・髙橋淳・永井英幹・剱持潔, Michelson光干渉計型光ファイバセンサのCFRP損傷モニタリングへの適用, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.24, No.3, (1998-5), pp.96-105.
  494. 津田浩・髙橋淳・渡辺淳・剱持潔, 平織りC/C複合材の面圧強度特性, 日本機械学会論文集(A編), Vol.64, No.620, (1998-4), pp.1091-1095.
  495. A. Imakita, H. Matsushita, K. Nagata, K. Kemmochi, J. Takahashi, H. Tsuda, K. Inayama and Y. Maeda, Analytical Study on Joint Strength of CFRP Pipes, Abstracts of the US-Pacific Rim Workshop on Composite Materials for Ship and Offshore Structures, (1998-4), p.57.
  496. 永井英幹・髙橋淳・剱持潔・松井醇一, WWWを利用した高分子系複合材料のLCA, 日本機械学会第75期通常総会講演会講演論文集, Vol.II, No.98-1, (1998-3), pp.199-200.
  497. 髙橋淳・武田真一・野村正人・津田浩・剱持潔・福田博, 光ファイバの基礎強度特性(コーティングの有無,剥ぎ方及び再コーティング法の影響), 日本機械学会第75期通常総会講演会講演論文集, Vol.II, No.98-1, (1998-3), pp.98-99.
  498. 津田浩・髙橋淳・剱持潔, 光干渉計型光ファイバセンサによるCFRPの損傷検知, 知的材料・構造システムシンポジウム講演論文集, (1998-3), pp.55-62.
  499. 髙橋淳・野村正人・武田真一・津田浩・剱持潔・福田博, ループ型光ファイバセンサによる複合材接合部の疲労損傷モニタリング, 第27回FRPシンポジウム講演論文集, (1998-3), pp.255-258.
  500. 永井英幹・髙橋淳・剱持潔・松井醇一, 高分子系複合材料におけるM-LCA(エネルギーに関する計算), 第27回FRPシンポジウム講演論文集, (1998-3), pp.221-224.
  501. 浜田大志・剱持潔・高柳寛司・長澤長八郎・髙橋淳・津田浩・福田博, 掘削機(DHM)用高分子複合材料の耐久性評価, 第27回FRPシンポジウム講演論文集, (1998-3), pp.203-206.
  502. H. Tsuda, T. Ikeguchi, J. Takahashi and K. Kemmochi, Damage Monitoring of Carbon-Fibre-Reinforced Plastics using Michelson Interferometric Fiber-Optic Sensors, Journal of Materials Science Letters, Vol.17, No.6, (1998-3), pp.503-506.
  503. 田中基嗣・北條正樹・弥富政亨・井上忠信・落合庄治郎・澤田吉裕・髙橋淳, 切欠きを持つ平織りC/C複合材料の破壊機構の検討, 第24回日本炭素材料学会年会要旨集, (1997-12), pp.72-73.
  504. 影山和郎・金原勲・鈴木敏夫・大澤勇・村山英晶・髙橋淳, スマートストラクチャ概念の船体構造への適用に関する基礎研究(第2報:多点,領域,分布型光ファイバセンサによるひずみ測定), 日本造船学会論文集, No.182, (1997-12), pp.579-587.
  505. 津田浩・池口貴信・髙橋淳・剱持潔, 光ファイバセンサによるCFRPの歪測定, 材料システム, Vol.16, (1997-11), pp.143-147.
  506. 影山和郎・金原勲・松波完・髙橋淳・鈴木敏夫・大澤勇, FRP製品のライフサイクルアセスメント(LCA), 42nd FRP CON-EX '97 講演論文集, (1997-11), pp.108-110.
  507. 永井英幹・髙橋淳・剱持潔・松井醇一, 高分子系複合材料へのLCA概念適用に関する検討, 42nd FRP CON-EX '97 講演論文集, (1997-11), pp.106-107.
  508. 髙橋淳・野村正人・武田真一・津田浩・剱持潔・福田博, 光ファイバセンサによる複合材接合部の損傷モニタリング, 42nd FRP CON-EX '97 講演論文集, (1997-11), pp.62-64.
  509. 津田浩・池口貴信・髙橋淳・剱持潔, 光ファイバセンサを利用した一方向CFRPの損傷モニタリング, 42nd FRP CON-EX '97 講演論文集, (1997-11), pp.60-61.
  510. G. Chollon and J. Takahashi, Raman Microspectroscopy Study of a C/C Composite, Proceedings of the Fifth Japan International SAMPE Symposium, (1997-10), pp.1567-1572.
  511. A. Imakita, H. Matsushita, K. Nagata, K. Kemmochi, J. Takahashi, H. Tsuda, K. Inayama and Y. Maeda, Fatigue Strength of CFRP Pipes Using High Modulus Carbon Fiber, Proceedings of the Fifth Japan International SAMPE Symposium, (1997-10), pp.993-998.
  512. J. Takahashi, M. Nomura, H. Tsuda, K. Kemmochi and H. Fukuda, Application of Loop Type Fiber Optic Sensors, Proceedings of the Fifth Japan International SAMPE Symposium, (1997-10), pp.871-874.
  513. 影山和郎・髙橋淳, 変位速度またはひずみ速度計測方法およびそれに用いる装置, 特許第2697782号, (1997-9).
  514. 髙橋淳・津田浩・劔持潔・奥田斂・小笠達夫, C/C複合材料の強度特性評価(支配因子の微視的検討), 第8回超耐環境性先進材料シンポジウム講演集, (1997-9), pp.427-435.
  515. H. Nagai, J. Takahashi, K. Kemmochi and J. Matsui, A Study on Life Cycle Analysis of Polymer Based Composite Materials, Proceedings of International Workshop on Advanced Materials for Functional Manifestation of Frontier and Environmental Consciousness, (1997-9), pp.107-113.
  516. G. Chollon, J. Takahashi and K. Kemmochi, Raman Microspectroscopy Applied to C/C Composites, Proceedings of International Workshop on Advanced Materials for Functional Manifestation of Frontier and Environmental Consciousness, (1997-9), pp.39-47.
  517. J. Takahashi, M. Nomura, H. Tsuda, K. Kemmochi and H. Fukuda, Basic Properties and Applications of Fiber Optic Sensors using Bend Loss, Proceedings of The International Conference on Materials and Mechanics '97, JSME, (1997-7), pp.755-756.
  518. K. Kemmochi, H. Tsuda, H. Takayanagi, C. Nagasawa, J. Takahashi, R. Hayashi and Y. Nakamura, Manifestation Models for Closed-Loop Material Recycling in Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics (FRTP) , Proceedings of The International Conference on Materials and Mechanics '97, JSME, (1997-7), pp.337-342.
  519. H. Tsuda and J. Takahashi, Bearing Failure in Plain woven C/C composites, Journal of Materials Science Letters, Vol.16, No.12, (1997-6), pp.993-995.
  520. J. Takahashi, M. Nomura, S. Kitade, H. Tsuda, K. Kemmochi, R. Hayashi and H. Fukuda, Bearing Failure Monitoring of C/C Composites Using Attached Optical Fibers, US-Japan Workshop on Smart Materials and Structures, TMS, (1997-6), pp.259-266.
  521. 山本晴生・渡辺広光・劔持潔・髙橋淳・三沢啓志, 酸化処理したC/C複合材料の曲げ疲労強度の推定, 日本材料学会第46期学術講演会講演論文集, (1997-5), pp.261-262.
  522. 髙橋淳・野村正人・津田浩・北出真太郎・永井英幹・剱持潔・林龍一・福田博, 光ファイバによるC/C複合材料の面圧破壊モニタリング, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.23, No.3, (1997-5), pp.100-107.
  523. 福田博・糸日谷剛・渡辺淳・髙橋淳・剱持潔, 織物C/C複合材料の層間せん断強さに及ぼす熱衝撃の影響, 日本複合材料学会1997年度研究発表講演会予稿集, (1997-5), pp.63-64.
  524. 野村正人・髙橋淳・津田浩・剱持潔・福田博, ループ型光ファイバセンサの応用(面圧破壊過程モニタリング), 日本複合材料学会1997年度研究発表講演会予稿集, (1997-5), pp.61-62.
  525. 津田浩・髙橋淳・剱持潔・河井昌道・池口貴信, 光ファイバセンサを利用したCFRPの破壊モニタリング, 日本複合材料学会1997年度研究発表講演会予稿集, (1997-5), pp.45-46.
  526. H. Nagai, S. Sakai, J. Takahashi and O. Okuda, Automatic Adaptive Remeshing Using Random Numbers in Three-Dimensional Structural Analysis, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Engineering Science, Ed. by S. N. Atluri and G. Yagawa, (1997-5), pp.600-605.
  527. 津田浩・髙橋淳・渡辺淳・剱持潔・林龍一・福田博, 平織りC/C複合材料の面圧破壊強度特性, 日本機械学会第74期通常総会講演会講演論文集 (II), Vol.II, No.97-1, (1997-3), pp.273-274.
  528. 北條正樹・弥富政亨・井上忠信・落合庄治郎・髙橋淳・澤田吉裕, C/C複合材料の破壊機構評価, 日本機械学会第74期通常総会講演会講演論文集 (II), Vol.II, No.97-1, (1997-3), pp.271-272.
  529. 髙橋淳・野村正人・津田浩・剱持潔・林龍一・福田博, ループ型光ファイバセンサの基礎特性, 日本機械学会第74期通常総会講演会講演論文集, Vol.I, No.97-1, (1997-3), pp.596-597.
  530. J. Takahashi, M. Nomura, H. Tsuda, K. Kemmochi and H. Fukuda, Mechanical and Optical Properties of Loop Type Fiber Optic Sensors, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Smart Structural System, (1997-3), pp.79-86.
  531. 北條正樹・弥富政亨・井上忠信・落合庄治郎・澤田吉裕・髙橋淳, 焼成温度を変えたC/C複合材料の破壊機構の変化, 第26回FRPシンポジウム講演論文集, (1997-3), pp.187-188.
  532. 髙橋淳・野村正人・津田浩・剱持潔・林龍一・福田博, ループ型光ファイバセンサの基礎光学特性, 第26回FRPシンポジウム講演論文集, (1997-3), pp.124-127.
  533. 髙橋淳・渡辺淳・津田浩・剱持潔・林龍一・福田博, 先進C/C複合材料の超高温材料特性評価(装置の開発と熱衝撃が諸特性に及ぼす影響), 物質工学工業技術研究所報告, Vol.4, No.6, (1996-12), pp.213-222.
  534. H. Nagai, K. Kemmochi, J. Takahashi, O. Okuda and R. Hayashi, Application of M-LCA Concept on Advanced Composite Materials, Proceedings of The Second International Conference on EcoBalance, (1996-11), pp.464-469.
  535. 髙橋淳・津田浩・劔持潔・奥田斂・小笠達夫・林龍一, 平織C/C複合材料の各種破壊強度特性評価, 第7回超耐環境性先進材料シンポジウム講演集, (1996-11), pp.407-415.
  536. 弥富政亨・北條正樹・落合庄治郎・髙橋淳, 切り欠きを有する平織りC/C複合材の破壊挙動における支配力学因子の検討, 日本複合材料学会第21回複合材料シンポジウム講演要旨集, (1996-10), pp.33-34.
  537. 山本晴生・三沢啓志・髙橋淳・劔持潔, C/C複合材料の曲げ剛性保持率の変化に及ぼす応力繰返し速度の影響, 日本機械学会山梨講演会講演論文集, (1996-10), pp.35-36.
  538. 髙橋淳・野村正人・津田浩・永井英幹・剱持潔・林龍一・福田博, 光ファイバセンサによる複合材料構造体の損傷過程モニタリング, 平成8年度物質工学工業技術研究所研究発表会資料, (1996-10), pp.143-144.
  539. 髙橋淳・野村正人・津田浩・永井英幹・剱持潔・林龍一・福田博, 光ファイバによる複合材料の面圧破壊過程モニタリング(ループ型ファイバセンサの提案), 日本機械学会平成8年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, Vol.B, No.96-10, (1996-10), pp.267-268.
  540. 劔持潔・高柳寛司・長澤長八郎・中村雄一郎・髙橋淳・林龍一, G-FRTPのマテリアルリサイクル特性発現モデルについて(第1次リサイクルにおける材料劣化特性), 日本機械学会平成8年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, Vol.B, No.96-10, (1996-10), pp.51-52.
  541. 髙橋淳・渡辺淳・津田浩・劔持潔・福田博・林龍一, 平織C/C複合材料の破壊強度評価(試験片寸法及び切欠き深さ依存性), 日本機械学会平成8年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, Vol.A, No.96-10, (1996-10), pp.3-4.
  542. 弥富政亨・落合庄治郎・北條正樹・髙橋淳, C/C複合材料の破壊靭性値, 日本金属学会講演概要集, (1996-9), p.309.
  543. 今北明彦・髙橋淳・津田浩・剱持潔・稲山邦彦・前田好弘・石田成幹・永田一成, 高弾性ピッチ系炭素繊維強化プラスチック製パイプの疲労強度について, 41st FRP CON-EX '96 講演要旨集, (1996-9), pp.181-182.
  544. 諏訪浩史・鶴谷勝正・髙橋淳・林龍一, 多重織物3D複合材料の製作と力学特性評価, 41st FRP CON-EX '96 講演要旨集, (1996-9), pp.177-178.
  545. 劔持潔・高柳寛司・長澤長八郎・髙橋淳・林龍一・山本春生・中村雄一郎, GFRTPのマテリアルリサイクルの可能性, 41st FRP CON-EX '96 講演要旨集, (1996-9), pp.155-156.
  546. 永井英幹・剱持潔・髙橋淳・奥田斂・林龍一, M-LCA概念の先進複合材料への適用, 41st FRP CON-EX '96 講演要旨集, (1996-9), pp.149-150.
  547. 永井英幹・奥田斂・髙橋淳・剱持潔・林龍一, 知的複合材料のための面圧破壊過程の高効率・高精度FEM解析, 41st FRP CON-EX '96 講演要旨集, (1996-9), pp.80-81.
  548. 髙橋淳・野村正人・津田浩・永井英幹・剱持潔・林龍一・福田博, ループ型光ファイバセンサによる複合材料の面圧破壊過程モニタリング, 41st FRP CON-EX '96 講演要旨集, (1996-9), pp.77-79.
  549. 津田浩・池口貴信・髙橋淳・剱持潔・林龍一, 光干渉法を利用したCFRPの歪計測, 41st FRP CON-EX '96 講演要旨集, (1996-9), pp.61-62.
  550. H. Tsuda, J. Takahashi, K. Kemmochi and R. Hayashi, Fracture Process of Silicon Carbide Fiber-Reinforced Glasses, Journal of American Ceramic Society, Vol.79, No.9, (1996-9), pp.2293-2299.
  551. J. Takahashi, J. Watanabe, H. Tsuda, K. Kemmochi, R. Hayashi and H. Fukuda, Ultra-High Temperature Properties for C/C Composites, Progress in Advanced Materials and Mechanics, Ed. by W. Tzuchiang and T. W. Chou, (1996-8), pp.1032-1037.
  552. K. Kemmochi, H. Tsuda, H. Takayanagi, C. Nagasawa, J. Takahashi, R. Hayashi and Y. Nakamura, Closed-Loop Material Recycling for Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites, Progress in Advanced Materials and Mechanics, Ed. by W. Tzuchiang and T. W. Chou, (1996-8), pp.115-120.
  553. J. Takahashi, J. Watanabe, H. Tsuda, K. Kemmochi, R. Hayashi and H. Fukuda, Influence of the Micro and Macroscopic Debonding due to Thermal Shock on the Strength of C/C Composites, Proceedings of the MRS-J, (1996-5), p.179.
  554. 髙橋淳・劔持潔・小笠達夫・奥田斂・尾形幹夫・梅原博行・林龍一, 耐環境寿命の評価技術, 平成8年度第1回超耐環境性先進材料総合調査研究委員会合同会議, (1996-5), pp.35-38.
  555. 髙橋淳・奥田斂・小金丸正明・渡辺淳・津田浩・剱持潔・林龍一・福田博, C/C複合材料の損傷進展過程シミュレーション(面圧破壊実験結果との比較), 日本複合材料学会1996年度研究発表講演会予稿集, (1996-5), pp.73-74.
  556. 髙橋淳・津田浩・野村正人・剱持潔・林龍一・福田博, 光ファイバによる複合材料の面圧破壊過程モニタリング(屈曲ファイバセンサの提案), 日本複合材料学会1996年度研究発表講演会予稿集, (1996-5), pp.9-10.
  557. J. Takahashi, H. Tsuda, J. Watanabe, K. Kemmochi, R. Hayashi and H. Fukuda, Bearing Strength of Advanced C/C Composites, Proceedings of The 73rd JSME Spring Annual Meeting (International Sessions), Vol.VI, No.96-1, (1996-3), pp.1-4.
  558. 髙橋淳・野村正人・津田浩・北出真太郎・剱持潔・林龍一・福田博, 光ファイバを用いたC/C複合材料の面圧破壊モニタリング, 日本機械学会第73期通常総会講演会講演論文集, Vol.II, No.96-1, (1996-3), pp.462-463.
  559. 髙橋淳・小金丸正明・奥田斂・津田浩・剱持潔・林龍一, C/C複合材料の面圧破壊過程シミュレーション, 日本機械学会第73期通常総会講演会講演論文集, Vol.II, No.96-1, (1996-3), pp.187-188.
  560. 弥富政享・北條正樹・落合庄次郎・澤田吉裕・髙橋淳, C/C複合材料の層間破壊靭性に及ぼす熱処理温度の影響, 第25回FRPシンポジウム講演論文集, (1996-3), pp.233-234.
  561. 津田浩・野村正人・剱持潔・髙橋淳・林龍一・福田博, 埋め込み光ファイバがCFRPの機械的特性に及ぼす影響, 第25回FRPシンポジウム講演論文集, (1996-3), pp.127-128.
  562. 津田浩・榎学・岸輝雄・髙橋淳・劔持潔・林龍一, AE法によるSiC繊維強化ガラスの破壊過程評価, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol.22, No.1, (1996-1), pp.10-14.
  563. J. Takahashi, M. Nomura, S. Kitade, H. Tsuda, K. Kemmochi, R. Hayashi and H. Fukuda, Bearing Failure Monitoring of C/C Composites Using Attached Optical Fibers, Proceedings of the First US-Japan Workshop on Smart Materials and Structures, (1995-12), pp.89-90.
  564. 髙橋淳・津田浩・劔持潔・小笠達夫・奥田斂・林龍一, C/C複合材料の強度特性評価(熱衝撃の影響と強度の寸法効果), 第6回超耐環境性先進材料シンポジウム講演集, (1995-11), pp.421-429.
  565. 髙橋淳・渡辺淳・津田浩・劔持潔・福田博・林龍一, C/C複合材料の破壊強度の寸法効果, 日本複合材料学会第20回複合材料シンポジウム講演要旨集, (1995-10), pp.105-106.
  566. K. Kemmochi, H. Takayanagi, C. Nagasawa, J. Takahashi and R. Hayashi, Possibility of Closed Loop Material Recycling for Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites, Advanced Performance Materials, Vol.2, No.4, (1995-10), pp.385-394.
  567. R. Hayashi, J. Takahashi and K. Kemmochi, Mechanical Properties and Strength of Carbon/Carbon Composites at Elevated Temperature, High Technology Composites in Modern Applications, Ed. by S. A. Paipetis and A. G. Youtsos, (1995-9), pp.391-399.
  568. K. Kemmochi, H. Takayanagi, C. Nagasawa, J. Takahashi and R. Hayashi, Manifestation Models for Closed-Loop Material Recycling in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics (CFRTP), High Technology Composites in Modern Applications, Ed. by S. A. Paipetis and A. G. Youtsos, (1995-9), pp.203-213.
  569. 髙橋淳・渡辺淳・津田浩・劔持潔・福田博・林龍一, 平織C/C複合材料の破壊強度評価(実断面応力基準の適用性), 日本機械学会第73期全国大会講演論文集, Vol.I, No.95-10, (1995-9), pp.406-407.
  570. 剱持潔・高柳寛司・長沢長八郎・髙橋淳・林龍一, 閉鎖型マテリアルリサイクルのための特性発現モデル(CFRTPの実時間劣化特性と促進劣化特性), 日本機械学会平成7年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, Vol.B, No.95-2, (1995-8), pp.145-146.
  571. J. Takahashi, K. Kemmochi, J. Watanabe, H. Tsuda, H. Fukuda and R. Hayashi, The Effect of Thermal Shock on Mechanical and Thermal Properties for Advanced C/C Composites, Composites '95: Recent Advances in Japan and the United States, Ed. by I. Kimpara, H. Miyairi and N. Takeda, (1995-6), pp.151-158.
  572. 劔持潔・髙橋淳・林龍一・中尾正彦, 水圧式掘削機ステーター部の光弾性解析, 日本光弾性学会第17回研究発表講演会講演論文集, No.17, (1995-6), pp.13-16.
  573. 髙橋淳・劔持潔・小笠達夫・奥田斂・尾形幹夫・梅原博行・林龍一, 耐環境寿命の評価技術, 平成7年度第1回超耐環境性先進材料総合調査研究委員会合同会議, (1995-5), pp.33-36.
  574. 髙橋淳・渡辺淳・劔持潔・福田博・林龍一, C/C複合材料の強度に及ぼす熱衝撃の影響, 日本複合材料学会1995年度研究発表講演会予稿集, (1995-5), pp.79-80.
  575. 髙橋淳・奥田斂・大高理秀・劔持潔・林龍一, 直交積層C/C複合材料の損傷進展シミュレーション(要素の破損則と剛性低下の表現法が結果に及ぼす影響), 日本複合材料学会1995年度研究発表講演会予稿集, (1995-5), pp.77-78.
  576. 奥田斂・髙橋淳・劔持潔・林龍一, 先進複合材料の損傷進展過程解析(有限要素法による数値シミュレーション), 物質工学工業技術研究所研究発表会「明日を拓く新材料・新プロセス」資料, (1995-4), pp.112-113.
  577. M. Hojo, S. Ochiai, N. Joyama and J. Takahashi, Fracture Mechanism of Cross-ply Carbon/Carbon Composites, Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.5, No.2, (1995-4), pp.99-117.
  578. 髙橋淳, C/C複合材料の機械的特性評価と数値解析的検討, 日本機械学会第72期通常総会講演会資料集, Vol.V, No.95-1, (1995-3), pp.316-317.
  579. 髙橋淳・渡辺淳・劔持潔・福田博・林龍一, 平織C/C複合材料の破壊靱性評価(温度依存性および熱衝撃の影響), 日本機械学会第72期通常総会講演会講演論文集, Vol.II, No.95-1, (1995-3), pp.188-189.
  580. 奥田斂・髙橋淳・大高理秀・劔持潔・林龍一, C/C複合材料の破壊強度特性(変位制御3点曲げ試験時の損傷進展シミュレーション), 日本機械学会第72期通常総会講演会講演論文集, Vol.II, No.95-1, (1995-3), pp.150-151.
  581. J. Takahashi, K. Kemmochi, J. Watanabe, H. Fukuda and R. Hayashi, Development of Ultra-High Temperature Testing Equipment and Some Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Advanced Carbon/Carbon Composites, Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.5, No.1, (1995-1), pp.73-86.
  582. 髙橋淳・劔持潔・小笠達夫・奥田斂・林龍一, 超耐環境性先進材料の力学・強度特性評価, 第5回超耐環境性先進材料シンポジウム講演集, (1994-12), pp.407-415.
  583. 髙橋淳・渡辺淳・劔持潔・福田博・林龍一, 先進C/C複合材料の超高温特性と熱衝撃の影響, 日本複合材料学会第19回複合材料シンポジウム講演要旨集, (1994-12), pp.129-132.
  584. 山本晴生・劔持潔・髙橋淳・三沢啓志, C/C複合材料の酸化と曲げ疲労強度への影響, 日本材料学会第22回疲労シンポジウム講演論文集, (1994-11), pp.173-176.
  585. 北條正樹・落合庄治郎・城山伸裕・髙橋淳, C/C複合材料の破壊靱性評価, 日本機械学会平成6年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, Vol.B, No.940-37, (1994-10), pp.437-438.
  586. 剱持潔・長沢長八郎・高柳寛司・髙橋淳・林龍一, マテリアルリサイクルを想定したFRTPの劣化強度特性, 日本機械学会平成6年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, Vol.B, No.940-37, (1994-10), pp.126-127.
  587. 髙橋淳・劔持潔・林龍一, 先進C/C複合材料の超高温強度特性評価, 日本機械学会シンポジウム「材料と構造物の強度と破壊」講演論文集, No.940-34, (1994-9), p.76.
  588. 髙橋淳・劔持潔・小笠達夫・奥田斂・尾形幹夫・梅原博行・林龍一, 耐環境寿命の評価技術, 平成6年度第1回超耐環境性先進材料総合調査研究委員会合同会議, Vol.I, (1994-6), pp.31-34.
  589. 山本晴生・劔持潔・髙橋淳, C/C複合材料の疲労過程における剛性保持率の変化, 日本材料学会第43期学術講演会講演論文集, (1994-5), pp.147-148.
  590. 北條正樹・落合庄治郎・城山伸裕・髙橋淳, 直交積層C/C複合材料の破壊挙動, 日本複合材料学会1994年度研究発表講演会予稿集, (1994-5), pp.41-42.
  591. 劔持潔・髙橋淳・林龍一, スマート複合構造体の環境調和型成形概念とリサイクル技術の可能性, NIMC-RIMCOF Joint Forum 「スマートコンポジットシステム」講演論文集, (1994-4), pp.49-56.
  592. 髙橋淳・劔持潔・林龍一, C/C複合材料の超高温材料特性評価, 日本機械学会第71期通常総会講演会講演論文集, Vol.II, No.940-10, (1994-3), pp.768-770.
  593. 劔持潔・髙橋淳・林龍一, 知的複合材料としてのマテリアルリサイクルの可能性, 日本機械学会第71期通常総会講演会講演論文集, Vol.II, No.940-10, (1994-3), pp.630-632.
  594. 髙橋淳・酒井信介・岡村弘之・劔持潔・林龍一, 引っ張りと曲げを受ける片側き裂付き平板に対する線形弾性コンプライアンスの簡易評価式, 日本機械学会論文集(A編), Vol.59, No.567, (1993-11), pp.2495-2500.
  595. 髙橋淳・劔持潔・小笠達夫・奥田斂・林龍一, 先進耐熱材料のクリープ・強度特性, 第4回超耐環境性先進材料シンポジウム講演集, (1993-6), pp.357-365.
  596. 髙橋淳・劔持潔・林龍一, C/C複合材料の破壊強度特性評価(コンプライアンス概念に基づく破壊抵抗の評価), 日本機械学会第70期通常総会講演会講演論文集, Vol.IV, No.930-9, (1993-3), pp.141-143.
  597. 北條正樹・伊東英孝・青木隆平・髙橋淳・落合庄治郎, 先進CFRP積層板(T800/3900-2)のモードI疲労層間はく離特性, 日本機械学会第70期通常総会講演会講演論文集, Vol.I, No.930-9, (1993-3), pp.593-595.
  598. 劔持潔・髙橋淳・林龍一, C/C複合材料の高温き裂進展過程の直接観察と高靭化メカニズムの解明, 日本機械学会第70期通常総会講演会講演論文集, Vol.I, No.930-9, (1993-3), pp.147-149.
  599. 髙橋淳・劔持潔・林龍一, C/C複合材料の強度特性評価(残留応力を考慮した複合則に基づく変形と強度特性の分析), 日本機械学会第70期通常総会講演会講演論文集, Vol.I, No.930-9, (1993-3), pp.144-146.
  600. 髙橋淳・劔持潔・林龍一, 先進耐熱材料のクリープ特性, 第3回超耐環境性先進材料シンポジウム講演集, (1992-11), pp.289-296.
  601. 北條正樹・伊東英孝・青木降平・髙橋淳, CF/PEEK積層板の層間はく離疲労き裂伝ぱ下限界の簡易測定法, 日本機械学会第70期全国大会講演論文集, Vol.B, No.920-78, (1992-9), pp.133-135.
  602. 髙橋淳・岡村弘之・酒井信介, 複数の異長軸方向き裂を有する内圧円筒の疲労き裂進展寿命, 日本機械学会平成4年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, No.920-72, (1992-9), pp.463-464.
  603. J. Takahashi, H. Okamura and S. Sakai, Mixed Mode Stress Intensity Factors for Displacement-Controlled C-Shaped Specimens, Experimental Mechanics, The Society for Experimental Mechanics, (1992-6), pp.1415-1420.
  604. 髙橋淳・岡村弘之・酒井信介, エネルギ原理に基づくマトリクス法破壊力学の非線形弾性体への拡張, 日本機械学会論文集(A編), Vol.58, No.549, (1992-5), pp.699-706.
  605. 髙橋淳・岡村弘之・酒井信介, マトリクス法破壊力学による軸方向き裂付き内圧円筒の混合モード応力拡大係数評価, 日本機械学会論文集(A編), Vol.58, No.548, (1992-4), pp.531-538.
  606. 髙橋淳, 構造物の延性破壊評価への弾塑性破壊力学の拡張適用に関する基礎研究, 文部省科学研究費補助金奨励研究(特別研究員),課題番号 02001402, (1992-3).
  607. 髙橋淳, エネルギ原理に基づく構造物の線形および非線形破壊力学解析に関する研究, 東大機械工学研究報告(平成4年大学院論文概要集), Vol.27, (1992-2), pp.13-16.
  608. 髙橋淳・岡村弘之・酒井信介, エネルギ原理に基づくマトリクス法破壊力学の非線形弾性体への拡張, 日本機械学会材料力学講演会講演論文集, Vol.A, No.910-71, (1991-11), pp.101-103.
  609. 髙橋淳・岡村弘之・酒井信介, マトリクス法破壊力学による軸方向き裂付き円筒の混合モード応力拡大係数評価(き裂長さの相違および非軸対称なき裂配置の影響), 日本機械学会第69期全国大会講演会講演論文集, Vol.A, No.910-62, (1991-10), pp.355-357.
  610. 髙橋淳・岡村弘之・酒井信介, Cリング試験片の混合モード応力拡大係数(変位拘束型Cリング試験片への不静定破壊力学の適用), 日本機械学会論文集(A編), Vol.57, No.542, (1991-10), pp.2464-2471.
  611. 髙橋淳・岡村弘之・酒井信介, エネルギ原理に基づくマトリクス法破壊力学の提案とその実構造物の破壊力学パラメータ評価への適用, 日本材料学会第6回破壊力学シンポジウム講演論文集, (1991-9), pp.117-122.
  612. J. Takahashi and H. Okamura, Ductile Fracture Prediction of an Axially Cracked Pressure Vessel under Pressurized Thermal Shock, Fracture Mechanics and Non-Destructive Inspection, Ed. by H. Shibata, (1991-8), pp.201-206.
  613. 髙橋淳・岡村弘之・酒井信介, 種々の軸方向き裂を有する円筒の応力拡大係数(マトリクス表記を用いた統一的解析手法の提案), 日本機械学会論文集(A編), Vol.57, No.539, (1991-7), pp.1534-1541.
  614. 髙橋淳・岡村弘之・酒井信介, Cリング試験片の応力拡大係数(変位拘束型Cリング試験片への不静定破壊力学の適用), 日本機械学会第68期通常総会講演会講演論文集, Vol.A, No.910-17, (1991-3), pp.243-245.
  615. 髙橋淳・岡村弘之, 加圧熱衝撃時の圧力容器の延性不安定破壊評価, 日本機械学会論文集(A編), Vol.57, No.534, (1991-2), pp.291-297.
  616. 髙橋淳・松原雅昭・岡村弘之, 不静定破壊力学の延性破壊強度評価への拡張と応用, 日本機械学会論文集(A編), Vol.57, No.533, (1991-1), pp.11-18.
  617. 髙橋淳・岡村弘之, 軸方向き裂付き円筒の破壊強度特性, 日本機械学会材料力学講演会講演論文集, No.900-86, (1990-11), pp.227-229.
  618. 髙橋淳・岡村弘之, 種々の軸方向き裂を有する円筒の内圧下における応力拡大係数, 日本機械学会第68期全国大会講演会講演論文集, Vol.A, No.900-59, (1990-9), pp.341-343.
  619. 髙橋淳・岡村弘之, 加圧熱衝撃時の圧力容器の延性不安定破壊評価, 日本機械学会材料力学シンポジウム「破壊と新技術」講演論文集, No.900-50, (1990-8), pp.111-116.
  620. 髙橋淳・松原雅昭・岡村弘之, 不静定破壊力学の延性破壊強度評価への拡張と応用, 日本機械学会第67期通常総会講演会講演論文集, Vol.A, No.900-14, (1990-3), pp.54-56.
  621. 髙橋淳・酒井信介・岡村弘之, 熱衝撃時の圧力容器の延性不安定破壊評価, 日本機械学会論文集(A編), Vol.56, No.523, (1990-3), pp.598-603.
  622. 髙橋淳・岡村弘之・酒井信介, 圧力容器の延性不安定破壊評価(荷重変位線図を用いた評価手法の提案), 日本機械学会論文集(A編), Vol.56, No.521, (1990-1), pp.72-77.
  623. 髙橋淳・酒井信介・岡村弘之, 熱衝撃時の圧力容器の延性不安定破壊評価, 日本機械学会材料力学講演会講演概要集, No.890-59, (1989-11), p.46.
  624. 髙橋淳・岡村弘之・酒井信介, 圧力容器の延性不安定破壊評価(荷重変位曲線を用いた評価手法の提案), 日本機械学会第67期全国大会講演会講演概要集, No.890-50, (1989-10), p.52.
  625. M. Matsubara, J. Takahashi and H. Okamura, Application of Statically Indeterminate Fracture Mechanics to the Spinning Cylinder With an Axially Crack, Abstracts of European Symposium on Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics (Elements of Defect Assessment), (1989-10), pp.91-92.
  626. 髙橋淳, 不静定破壊力学の延性破壊強度評価への拡張と応用, 東大機械工学研究報告(平成元年大学院論文概要集), Vol.24, (1989-2), pp.13-14.
  627. M. Matsubara, J. Takahashi and H. Okamura, Application of Statically Indeterminate Fracture Mechanics to PTS Problem, Proceedings of the Far East Fracture Group Workshop (Role of Plasticity and Damage Mechanics in Fracture of Solids), (1988-11), pp.61-68.