説明(for Japanese Students)
Environmental Technology Policy Making / Environmental and Energy Engineering
Date | Title (materials used in the lecture are linked) | Lecturer (Assistant) |
Key Words | Homework subjects |
19 April |
Guidance | Sato | . | . |
What’s Equity, and What’s Sustainability? [ppt, reference] | Edahiro (Takahashi) |
Equity, Sustainability, Sustainable Development | Select (1) or (2) (1) Read "Asa niji okide nandemo dekiru"(「朝2時起きで、なんでもできる!」サンマーク出版)and formulate your own vision and management system either for any of global environmental issues, for your life, for your career or for your research subject. (2) Read any English book in the field of environment and formulate your (or author's) vision and management system to tackle with (a) global environmental issues the book deals with. |
26 April |
Environmental Policy in Non-Industrial Sector [ppt] | Takahashi | CO2 Emission, Save Energy, Civil Sector, Transport Sector | Under the condition of both sustainable development and equity mentioned in this lecture, formulate your own idea about how to reduce CO2 emission in civil and/or transport sector. |
03 May |
No Lecture (National Holiday) | |||
10 May |
Utilization of Ocean Space [ppt] |
Suzuki | Advanced Technique of Floating Structure, Mega-Float | A Mega-Float can be a platform to support large scale human activities in the ocean. Propose a system which eases one of the global environmental problems using a Mega-Float, and describe details of the system. |
17 May |
Biological Sequestration of CO2 [ppt] | Sato | CO2 Sequestration, Photobioreactor, Microorganism | Estimate the cost of the forestation, which Japanese industries have been recently invested in foreign countries, such as Australia, with respect to the unit carbon dioxide (US$ or JPY/tCO2). Just pick up one example. |
24 May |
No Lecture (Spring Festival of the university) | |||
31 May |
Polar Environment and Global Warming [ppt] | Yamaguchi | Satellite Remote Sensing, Sea Ice, Global Circulation | Select 1 from the following 2: 1. Investigate and discuss more details of the relationship between polar regions and global environmental problems, itemizing the issues. 2. Investigate and discuss the feasibilities of the Northern Sea Route from technological, economical and social aspects. |
07 June |
Overview on Environmental and Energy Policy [ppt] | Akai (Takahashi) |
Climate Change, Global Worming, UNFCCC, IPCC | (His homework subject will be shown at the next time.) |
14 June |
No Lecture | |||
21 June |
Environmental Policy in Japan [ppt] | Akai (Sato) |
Kyoto Target, Deep Reduction of CO2, Mitigation Scenario | Discuss about CO2 capture and sequestration. |
28 June |
Industry's Participation in Climate Change Problem [ppt] | Ozaki (Sato) |
Climate Technology, Natural Energy, CO2 Sequestration |
It is said there exists enormous amount of Methan-hydrate under the sea bed in the worldwide ocean including the adjacent sea ofJapan. Assuming that you are to investigate this Methan-hydrate and try to get a budget for it, make the applications with relating to the climate change problem.
05 July |
Combustion, Reaction and CO2 Sequestration [ppt] |
Hirai |
Combustion, Reaction, Fuel Cell, CO2 Sequestration |
Compare two CO2 mitigation strategies; CO2 sequestration and application
of fuel cell to automobiles. How much would be the CO2 mitigation for these
two in case of Japan. Consider the case for various parameters, for example,
how many automobiles are changed from internal combustion engines to fuel
12 July |
Global challenge towards Climate Change & Recent Topics | Akai (Suzuki) |
R&D Programs, Technology Assessment | (His homework subject is shown at 21st June.) |